This message was originally posted by [url=]Vince[/url].
When you take your children to the video store, they are attracted to the violent, pornographic videos, even if you don't get them.
Try the public librarty instead. There is little, if any, harmful material, and although Hollywood prefers to keep this quiet, the older children's classics fascinate the children.
This message was originally posted by [url=]lambeausam[/url].
Don't overlook a good musical either! My boys have just about worn out our copies of Cats, The Music Man, The Sound of Music, and Oklahoma!
Quick story about movie rental shops...Last summer, I took my two boys to Blockbuster on a Friday night to pick out a movie. My youngest son was 3 years old at the time. As we stood in front of the "New Releases" section to pick out a movie for me, my littlest angel picked up a movie from the bottom shelf. It was the latest "skin flick!" He looked up at me and said, "Mommy, is this appropriate?" Needless to say the crowd of people around us got a kick out of that question.
This message was originally posted by [url=]PAmom[/url].
Daddy Daycare should be coming out on video soon, that was a pretty cute movie. Finding Nemo should be coming out sometime this fall too.
My BD is into classics like The Sound of Music, The Wizard of OZ and Annie. I believe that those movies never go out of style.