Hello, Iam a birthmom searching for my Son. His adoption was handled by MO dfs. The case worker involved is still after 30 years working there at least she was 2 years ago. She did some underhanded things to get my son, but that is too long to go into now. When i contacted her 2 years ago, and ask if she would please, now that he was an adult get my contact information to him. She informed me , that even if she were willing to she could not because she has no idea now who adopted him, because they no longer have those records. I just can not believe that they would get rid of those records. A friend that i told my story said i should contact someone else in MO, but dont they just stick together. I want to get attorney, but iam 62 years old with a serious condition causes by diabetes. I only have a widows pension, and they all charge so very much. I have just felt theres no where to turn. would you have any suggestions. Thank you so much, i know this was too Long.