Hi Eveyone:
Our family does a family video and game night. We rent a video or DVD and play games that are really fun and low key that we just laugh over while watching the video.
One of the video's I was thinking of renting is "Antone Fischer." I may have missed spelled his name. It is about a young boy raised in foster care that I believe was never adopted.
Did anyone see that movie/video?
Did you enjoy it?
Hi StarryNight (I love how your avatar, little pic, matches your name! Very cool.)
This is a great movie. We just saw it. Wow, what an impact. Thinking about Antone as a young boy and how different some foster homes may be to a nuturing home. The home were this young boy was sexually assulted was to me more like a food and shelter situation not like home where some one could let down and be their true self. It also made me think about people viewing a dear precious young child as less than what he actually was because of his situation. (Yep, I sure did cry.)
I thought it was so neat to see Antone get help in the military through the help of the psychologist. I think he did well with the saftey that the structured livestyle offered him as he was held accountable by someone who he could tell cared about him. The lifestyle had clear cut rules and boundaries. I think this helped him to excel because the determination of what was right and what was wrong was not up to him. If someone has not been raised to know right from wrong it could be scary, I would think, to have to figure out right from wrong in the many things that come up in life. The military made is clear regarding right and wrong.
I really liked the part of the movie where Antone had support from his girlfriend and faced his past abusers and communicated that he knew that the wrong was not about him but about those that abused.
I liked the way Antone had a good heart and could understand his birthmother's shame and grief even though she did not go out of her way to welcome or meet him. Antone understood in a deeper way what was going on. I admired that. He was able to "remove himself" from the situation at hand and think of his birthmother and her pain. That was awesome!
There were some other key points communicated in this movie. Did anyone else wish to share some of the things they noticed in this movie about Antone Fischer?
His strength! His tenacity to overcome all no matter what was thrown at him and the fact he got help. Many abuse survivors would not even consider the idea. Or at least several of my friends wouldn't. But there are some who do have the courage to face their demons. =) Either way, keeping it inside or letting it spill out into a neutral enviroment. Both ways take very strong people. Thank you for the compliment on the pic. Actually it was due to a friend of mine (Some Sooner fan lol )on the boards who would sing (ok type lyrics) to me Starry, Starry Night in email. (Don McLean) Which for those of you don't remember the song...Iit was about Vincent VanGough's painting Starry Night. Whom in the misdt of being deemed insane and institutionalized painted this from memory. I love the painting, once again another very strong person in the biggest adversity one could have to deal with. The fight to stay sane.
Hi StarryNight:
Great point! I like what you said about "spilling out into a neutral environment." That is so true. We should all have a neutral environment whether it is a journal, a therapist, a close friend. A place to "let it out."
Letting it out is a release. That can feel good. There can be a lot of emotions and that is fine. Letting it out rather than keeping it in is good. If we keep it in it could come out in ways we may wish it would not.
There is a second part after letting it out called recognition. That is when we can just begin to look at it. Perhaps a peak even if we regress to where we were prior to the peak. Each peak is can show us that we are not alone and that understanding ourselves better can strengthen us.