I have a 13 yr old son who resides with me.(always has) I've been divorced since 1994 and I obtained sole custody. (through default) His father pays child support and I allowed every other weekend visits. My son has adhd and has been a hand full for a few years with little help from his father. My son had asked if he could try living with his dad. Recently I consented (w/o the courts) that my son live with his father for a school year to see if this would help matters any. But there ending up being a legal issue with the new school and because I would not change my custody he had to come home. But the twist is I was under the impression that my son had be in school for a week before this came out. There are too many detalis to list but my ex went so far as to take my son to the school at dissmal time (book bag and all) so when I pickes him up everything looked on the up and up. Needless to say when I found out I was furious. My son had talked about going to this school in detail with the permission of his father and it was all lies!! Well now I want to make sure he never sees his father again. I'm remarried and have been with my husband since I separated in 1991 and now I'd like to have him adpot my son. My son welcomes the idea of this apotion alos. But I don't know how to do this with my ex around. We don't want anymore child support or anything. I feel he has endangered the mental welfare of my son and is no kind of father. I know this has been long but I welcome any info or advice. Thank you.