I live in Northern california.
My girl friend has a daughter, whose going to turn 9 years,
this December (2003). She wants to have a Dad and to changer her last name. I'd like to change her last and middle name.
My girl friend and I want to get married some time in 2004, and I'd like to adopt this daughter. The bilogical father generally wants nothing to do with her or the daughter, but occassinally calls from Florida (they lived in Sandiego, 9 years ago.). I don't know if he pays child support, or not.
I've never been a husband, nor a father before but have wanted to be a fagther since I was 20.
I don't know if there's an adoption attorney in my city or not (if there is, he/she is not on the internet-so far.) I don't know what the procedure and cost would be, for this adoption but I suspect
it would involve going into a court room.
Can anyone please tell me, what I need to know?
Yes, Thank you! Please do that. I may not be ready to go through with it until after the wedding, but I would appreciate some nfo from any attorneys, ect!
I live in Redding, CA.
Thank you again, for your reply!
Mr. Cat.