I was raised by my Aunt & Uncle but was raised to know them as my mother and father. At 43, I've found out that she is not my birth mother! The story goes that my birth mother and my Uncle went to a hospital where they were unknown and my birth mother signed in under my Aunts name! And my Uncle signed as the father (which who knows; could be true!).
Are there any steps I can take to have my birth certificate corrected? My birth mother has passed away and so has my Uncle (whom signed as the father). But the woman who raised me is still alive. I am totally at a loss with this. So confusing.
But even without anything proof is that my record states my "mother" (aunt) was 20 years old at the time of my birth when my "mother" (aunt) was really 39! Any help would be appreciated.
Oh...also. If the supposed birth father of a female child has passed away but the female child has brother of the same two parents. Can a DNA test be done with the sibling brother to try to prove whom the female childs father is?
I am NO expert on DNA testing but...I would guess the best you could hope for is to rule out this or that parent. As for lying on the birth birthmother used a fake name and changed her maiden name as well. I doubt there is anything you can do. But a professional searcher, or a really good angel could probably help you! Good Luck, Love, Debi
It's not that birth mother used a "fake" name...she used my Aunts real name and address. And with my Uncle signing as my father; his insurance company through his work most likely covered the expense.
Guess I'm really not sure what exactly it is that I am searching for to have done. Perhaps I'm angry because the hospital didn't require identification. And come to think of it; they didn't when I had my children. Something should be done about that!