Looking to Adopt a Filipino baby
We have a beautiful little toddler who is of pure Filipino heritage and was born in the United States. We are looking for a brother or sister for him to share life with. Our strong preference is to adopt a child with the same heritage. We are advertising in U.S. newspapers and researching various international agencies that work with orphanages in the Phillipines. Does anyone have any ideas as to how to find a Filipino child?
You can get a list by buying "Report on Intercountry Adoption 2003" from International Concerns for Children, a family support organization. It's not available in bookstores, but you can order it directly from ICC. ICC has a website. It's in Colorado, so you can also call 303-494-8333.
I would estimate that about 80% of licensed agencies working in every country open to adoption are listed in the book. For each country open to adoption, the book lists each agency along with what sorts of children are available (age, health status, etc.), what the requirements are for adoptive parents, estimated timetable, estimated fees, etc.
Perhaps you'd benefit from joining the adoptPhilippines yahoo group: [url][/url]
The Links section offers much helpful info.
best wishes!