Hi All!
We have five children under the age of 6.5 yrs. Two are bio and three are adopted. I'm starting to feel guilty, overwhelmed, frustrated, worried - you name it - about not staying caught up on their baby books. One of my children doesn't even had a baby book!!
Anyone else feeling this way? Is there an easy way to stay current? Will the kids even care (when they get older) that I put so much effort/worry into it? The process is completely overwhelming. My oldest son's book is caught up. The other's aren't even close!
I always think I'll never forget something the kids said/did because it was so sweet/funny/cute-----but I do! Something I try to do is keep a calendar posted on our wall (just print off one with numbered squares from your PC) and when one of them says/does something cute/hilarious, I write it on the date it happened--don't forget to identify who did it! When I'm ready to put pictures in their scrapbooks, I look over the calendar pages from those months and add the stories/quotes even if they don't "match" the photos on the page. My kids love reading what I write even more than seeing what funky stuff I did to decorate the page. Sounds like they have their priorities straight!:) Also, if you're into scrapbooking, you know you can add everything to your pages in addition to pictures (ticket stubs, feathers they find, pressed flowers they picked, etc.). I have an accordian-fold binder with about 12 pockets. Label them with one or two pockets for each child, fill them as you go, adding appropriate photos--then when you get time, empty the pockets and do a page or two at a time.
As the youngest of four, my baby book is significantly lacking. My oldest sib has the best, and they go down from there. I am thankful that I even got a book! Now that I have my own family, I understand why my book was less detailed... But until now, it has been a very sore spot.
Good Luck.
Oh, my Mom used to take a tape recorder with us in the car when she would shuttle us around. It is so fun to go back and listen to my sibs and I communicating at young ages. Maybe something like that coult add to a "not too full" baby book.
I'm thinking I better tear out the last half of my daughter baby book... There's nothing written in it... shhh dont tell her! The first few months I wrote down everything, even the first tooth, but the first word, well I hope that was her first word. I went from memory about a year or so after her first word. Its one of the first at least. Maybe I'll just say the dog ate the back half of the book? (ps I dont have a dog- think shell believe it anyway?)
Dont worry to much about the baby book. My mom had one for me- and she actually wrote in everything! Now I have it and I couldnt tell you whats in it! Dont feel bad, you'r kids'll love you anyway. :)
I completely understand how you are feeling! At Walmart, I bought these boxes that are decorated for kids and each one contains files that you label, (ie my school work, family trips, my doctor stuff,etc). They are about 10.00 or so and bought them for each of the kids. So I can sort things and just put them in the file. At least I feel like I am doing something and I won't get so jealous of those cute scrapbooks that I see. THese boxes are AWESOME, especially for foster kids because they can take them with them, if they go to a new placement.
I am a scrap-booker. All of my foster kids get there own baby book or scrap book, depending on their age. I stick cards in there, tests, report cards, pictures, the note she got from the tooth fairy... You name it!
Now my sister...
She can't keep up with her kids baby/scrap books. She mailed me all of her pictures for the kids books and I Am making them for her! Sometimes it is just easier if you are not so attached to the situation. So now I do books for people on the side. I enjoy it and it brings in some money while letting me fuel my creative side. If you are really stressed about how behind you are, find someone to help! (Or PM me. ;) )