Hi, my husband and I are looking into adoption agencies and we came across Holt. We live in Oregon and wanted to work with a well respected agency in our state. Does anyone have any experience with Holt?
You could check out [url][/url] for a meeting near you :) There they present the program options and can answer most of your questions.
We are in the process with Holt. Just waiting a few more months for our travel call! They have been very supportive in full of information. What is nice about Holt vs other agencies, is the help they offer post adoption plus the preparation they provide for handling adoption and race issues.
I am assuming you are wanting a Korea program? Another agency that works with korea that has a good reputation (not sure about Oregon branch, though) They are Christian based, so may need a pastor to be one of your references (we don't attend church, so all religious organizations were eliminated for us).
Once your HomeStudy goes to Korea, the wait for a healthy boy is about 6 months for a referral and about 9 months for a girl. If you are willing to accept some health issues, the wait can be much shorter. Once you get a referral, travel is 2-5 months later. The time from initial app to Homestudy is kinda dependent on you.
Overall time can be as little as 5 months (health issues acceptable) to 20+ months (healthy girl and slow paperwork).
Also check-out their website [url][/url] and maybe even their web forums (link on upper right of webpage).
Good luck!
Last update on April 18, 11:15 pm by Sachin Gupta.
One thing Lynn forgot to mention is that Holt is the oldest international adoption agency in the US. And they started in Korea, which made going through the Holt Korea program an automatic for us.
I believe there is an office in Medford as well as Eugene (regional office) and Portland (the branch we are working with).
If you are looking for a reputable agency you came to the right place! Holt also has a discussion board. You can find it at [url][/url]
Initial App: 11/6/02
Homestudy to Korea: 3/14/03
Referral/Assignment: 9/4/03
Seth Eun Hyuk: born 7/18/03
Legals: 10/7/03
Visa: 11/5/03
Travel call: ????
I used Holt to adopt through Bulgaria. They were great. Korea wouldn't accept into their program as I am single.
I can't say enough good things. The reason I chose Holt was already mentioned, the post placment services . . . Heritage Camps, Motherland tours (although not to Bulgaria) the forum boards.
The had a ton of info and their response time to email questions couldn't have been any faster, usually same day.
SORRY if this is a repeat...
You can't go wrong with either agency. Spend some time interviewing both and figure out which fits you best. They are pretty different - but both do a good job.
I firmly believe that God has a way of putting the right parents with the right agency and ultimately the right child!
We used Holt and then used CHSM with our second adoption. We loved CHSM. We first saw our son on the [url][/url] website. He was a "special" needs child. His "special need"? He has Vitiligo which is an absence of pigment and in his case it is on his tummy. I urge you to look at these "special" children whose medical needs are minor (prematurity, lazy eye, etc) to major. fees are often reduced and the process is usually quicker. There is also another site [url][/url] Usually special needs children can be placed in any state. Holt also has special needs children on their website.
You may contact me if you have any questions.
Sincerely Cheryl
do NOT use -- they've been shut down. lots of $$ missing from lots of parents, and lots of children in limbo as a result.
Actually, given the new rules, surprised this thread is still around :). I think you'll have to rely on PMs for any more feedback! (see the sticky note at the top of most forums)