Originally Posted By NEED HELP!!!
My husband and I are adopting a child from the Phil.,we are not using agency.The child has been abandoned by the birthmother since 2 months old,we don't have the legal custody of the child yet who is 17
months now.My previuos US attorney told us we can't adopt the child yet until he's 2 yrs.old.Now we have a new lawyer who told us we will proceed with adoption in the Philippines.We are very confused.Thanks for any input.Rachel
Originally Posted By LG
It is not clear if you live in the US or Philippines. If you look under's International Resource Center and look up Philippines you can click on the Philippine adoption law. It states that if you are US citizen you CANNOT adopt IN Philippe court. Foreign adoptions are finalized in the US. It also lists the 25 agencies in the US that are accredited with the Philpiine adoption board. You may want to consider contating one for some advice.
Hope it works out!!
Originally Posted By Al Kipple
There are exceptions to that law. This is where the two years residency come in. If you are a filipino or previous filipino citizen, and have been resident in the philippines for 2 years you can adopt in the philippines. Only one member of the couple need qualify.
My wife and I are living in the Philippines as missionaries, and recently adopted 3 Filipino children. We are told by the US Embassey, that we have to live with them for 2 years from the time we filed for the asoptions. They are now legally adopted in the Philippines, and we are waiting out the two years time. In the meantime, we are processing their Philipine passports, which they have to have. then a US Visa will be put into it, after MUCH red tape. It is a hard process, but sounds possible. You can contact us at if you have any questions. Are you living in the Philippines? That apprears to be a requisite if you are to adopt without a US adoption agency being involved. If you have some specific questions, write to our email, and we will do our best to help. Gene
There was, in 1998, late in the year, a new law passed in the Philippines, called, THE LOCAL ADOPTION ACT, in which a foreigner living in the Philippines is able to adopt a local child. We just did it, and have legally adopted 3 children. We live here as missionaries.