To my birth mother;
I was born September 11, 1981 in Camrose Alberta. If you're out there, I hope to meet you. I wanted you to know about my life, how much I enjoy it, and how thankful I am for what I have and how it was given to me. Adoption at birth gave me the opportunity to explore the world from the skies. I have a nice life. I love, respect, and admire my parents. They are the greatest people in my life. I am sober, clean, healthy, smart, nice, motivated, and athletic. I have a university degree, a great job as an airline pilot and I cleaned up in high school. I do things people dream of, and for that I am thankful. I work for an American company and I am returning to school for a masters degree and maybe a PhD in Aerospace. I have many wonderful friends, my extended family are warm, humorous, and caring people. I love them all. I do have one problem, I can't keep women away from me. lol. I do have a girlfriend though, who I am faithful to and intrigued by. She is Amazing. I do not associate with people of questionable character, and I always remember that my family roots come from a small, and poor farming community, a place that I have my dearest memories. I have never been to Camrose, however it is not far away. So if you ever get the chance to read this, please, know that I always think about you. I wonder what you look like, how you smile, and how your eyes light up when you are happy. I think that may be genetic. I hope so. And when a big plane flies over your house, think, "Hey, that is my son." Take care, I hope to see you.
Love Joel.