I don't really know about Australia, I think they have some weird definitions (compared to the rest of the world) and I think from what I have read you just have to accept the way they understand things. [url][/url] (This stat link is kind of old)
I even read that they will recognize an adoption (custody rights) for partners (verses being married).
Is doesn't sound right, that all adoption from the Philippines are not recognized? Have you been told the reasons why yourӔ adoption is not recognized? What do they say you have to do to get it recognized? Or do they say? The link above is stats on adoptions and not custody/guardianship rights, I wonder if the stats factor-in the way they understand things or just use the rest of the world as a benchmark for the stats?
The problem appears to revolve around a New Zealand legal requirement that the Adoption Law of the foreing country in which adoption was undertaken has to be in "sync" with New Zealand Law! (We are an arrogant bunch!)
Anyway Philippine law embodies a contradiction that is typical of these Fiesta Islands:
1. In the death of a minor who has been adopted it may be held that the natural parents may have a claim on the estate of the minor child that had previously been adopted.
2. Another Philippine lawe states that a minor cannot own property! (Thus what estate would he have to fight over?)
In my case we were able to get "Right of Abode" and then after 3 years of residence he was a SHoe-in for New Zealand Citizenship. Meantime 1,235.75 bureaucrats were kept employed!!