I'm trying to help my brother-in-law find his birthmother. The only info he has was that he was born on 8/13/1971 in Wichita, KS. He was told his mother was in college and that her last name then was Gearhart. he was also told her family owned a trucking company but he is not positive about that. He was born at St. Joseph hospital. If you have any information, I would appriciate it. Thanks!
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I'm trying to help my brother-in-law find his birthmother. The only info he has was that he was born on 8/13/1971 in Wichita, KS. He was told his mother was in college and that her last name then was Gearhart. he was also told her family owned a trucking company but he is not positive about that. He was born at St. Joseph hospital. If you have any information, I would appriciate it. Thanks!
Do you know for sure that is the birth mother’s last name and DOB? His DOB is the closest I’ve found to my brothers (that was adopted out before I was born)