Hi all!
This morning as we were yet again watching the Disney channel, ;) they suggested giving your child a word a day to learn, to stimulate their minds.
We try to do this any way but we use Marshallese words. As adoptive parents of children from the beautiful Republic of the Marshall Islands, I thought it might be fun to try to give a word for each of us to learn and pass on to our fabulous children!
I got this word from a wonderful book about the Marshall Islands!
Word: anidreb (ah - NEE - reb)
Meaning: it is a game similar to football
Hi Annie,
One of the books we have that is really an interesting read is, "Marshall Islands Legends and Stories", author: Daniel A. Kelin
I believe when the kids get older they will really enjoy reading this.
Much of the language (albeit not as much as I want to know yet!) we learned from our birth families.
If you log onto the main site for the RMI I believe you can order a language book from them (or they re-direct you to a place you can order a book). I'm sorry I just don't remember...
If you find any interesting Marshallese words please post - this should be alot of fun!
A friend of mine who is actually majoring in the Marshallese culture, recommended a book that you can order from The name of the book is: "Spoken Marshallese". I'm going to look for it today and hopefully be able to order it. She said that is how she began to learn a lot of the language. Anyway, just an FYI!
Keep the words coming!!