my whole story is listed under general adoptive parent support - thread titled "emotional blackmail by order of judge"
a little about the story.
two siblings, the judge terminates one, but not the other. he has legally seperated them, but wants me to keep them together in my home even though i am a adoptive home and not a foster home. he said in order to adopt the little one, i have to foster the older one until bdad gets it together to come and get him. mind you, our hopes were to adopt both kids, but judge is sending older one back to dad - thus seperating them. the problem is he expects us to facilitate with bdad for the next three months. we are emotional tramatized by this. DHS told us we could adopt him, but now the judge expects us to help put him back with bdad or risk losing the other one too - which is completely terminated and has lived in my home for 2 months.
please help us - any suggestions will be appreciated!
donna v