I keep reading about non-identifying information that adoptees have access to. As a bmom My Bdaughter's adoption was handled through a private attorney, but I never to my knowledge provided any non-id information. If there is something on file like this do I have access to it as a bmom.....I myself would love to know what her non-id info has in it. Does anyone know how I might be able to get that in Texas??? I don't think My Bdaughter will ever need it since we are in reunion and I am willing to answer each and every question she has. I was just wondering for curiosity sake if she would have requested it for her self, what kind of info would she have received. Just Curious....:rolleyes:
Thanks Y'all.....Staci :D
Staci...the non-ID information you refer to is simply the baby's birth certificate with your name, address and anything else that could be used to identify you blacked ( really) out. The agency I used when I placed Tovia had a copy on file; the number on it matched the number of the b.c. that her a parents were given; after she obtained the court order to open and provide her with a copy of the original b.c. we saw that this was the case....I live in Dallas. MissyM
sspete wrote..As a bmom My Bdaughter's adoption was handled through a private attorney, but I never to my knowledge provided any non-id information.
I had to sit and tell about myself.. It was expected..
I wonder how much information is kept by private attorney's?
I know of one women who found her records in the garage of a retired attorney.. (or he had passed away)
The attorney that handled my adoption in 1973 had no non-identifying on file, nor did he retain any records of adoptions for longer than ten years, according to his predecessor. I was never able to obtain anything from their office. I did, however, request my file to be open, and it wasto bad it was filled with lies.
When I placed my daughter in 1996, I was never asked to give information, but maybe thatŒs because they had a copy of all of my medical records, and it was an open adoption. I ended up creating a document that had all of my info (as much as you can have as an adoptee from the closed era) and gave it to her parents, incase something were to happen to me. I also gave them a copy of all of my medical records dating back to my birth.
Non-ID is a newish thingif you werenŒt asked for it back then, I think they take whatever information they have on file, and create something. From what I understand, Non-ID generally only consists of first name, year of birth, some family history, and maybe some medical history
Thank Y'all for your responses!!!! I really did not know if there was anything on me or not out there.....PROBABLY NOT!!!!! Thank for your Help!!!!!! ;)
Staci :D
I guess every state and country is different. I received my non id info and I was actually very surprised what it contained considering I was born and relinguished in 1963.
It was actually three pages long and full of general info about my birthmother, her education, background story leading up to my relinguishment ( she had visited me many times in the foster home and even bought a matinee jacket and bootees for me) Had general info about her family but not much about my birthfather.
When we reunited I asked her did she ask them to do this - she said no, but her caseworker took lots of notes and asked her general questions.....we obviously had a kind caseworker.
They even updated the info because in 1969 my birthmother contacted the agency to enquire about me ( she actually wanted me back...but thats another story for another day)
Oh, by the way I was born in they did a good job...considering it was back in the sixties.;)
This is great to know. I am actually waiting on my non-id info to be sent to me. I can't wait to see what is in it. It should be any day now!!!
BrandyHagz wrote..The attorney that handled my adoption in 1973 had no non-identifying on file, nor did he retain any records of adoptions for longer than ten years, according to his predecessor.
I wonder when it changed. I seem to remember the woman at St Vincent telling me that she was to interview me for their files.
I know bsons aparents were interviewed because I got info like how many years the woman was in college.. How long they were married. When then moved (with the name of the place blacked out).
I wonder what this is going to do to the future adoptees that will be searching..
Hi there......
I am a birthmom to a daughter born in Corpus Christi, Texas...
I was staying at the home of Peoples Baptist Church ......
Does anyone have any information for me regarding what i am intitled to when she turns 18??
Or what does she have access to when she turns 18??
August 1990 birthdate....
I know she is only 13 now...but i am preparing myself for reunion /////
any information would be greatly appreciated:)
birthmomtogirl wrote..Does anyone have any information for me regarding what i am intitled to when she turns 18??
What I did was leave a letter in my bsons file saying open for contact.. I had to get it signed by a notary..
I also posted his birthday and place of birth all over the net..
He was over thirty. I wonder if there are rules concerning underage kids..
Keep asking questions.. Thats what I did..
Originally posted by birthmomtogirl
Hi there......
I am a birthmom to a daughter born in Corpus Christi, Texas...
I was staying at the home of Peoples Baptist Church ......
Does anyone have any information for me regarding what i am intitled to when she turns 18??
Or what does she have access to when she turns 18??
August 1990 birthdate....
I know she is only 13 now...but i am preparing myself for reunion /////
any information would be greatly appreciated:)
Sorry to say but in the state of Texas you as the b-mom are entitled to nothing. Harsh? You bet...but its a reality. At age 18 she or her A-parents can petition the courts for her original birth certificate and with the proper ID and a sob story might even get it, But the Birthmom can't get it without the child applying for it. You can go back to the agency and get the non-ID info but thats about all. You can also sign the "permission to locate" papers with the agencies Social Worker; and if your daughter ever searches they will match you guys up....been there done that....MissyM
Reading the posts I realise how very fortunate I was!!
When I received my non-id I was thrilled to find out so much about my birthmother and her story - I will be forever grateful to the wonderful case worker that my birthmom would seem she was a very compassionate person.
When my parents adopted me in '78 from catholic charities, they received a non id paper on my bp's. It came with the packet I guess you could say. But even now, 26 years later,I contacted the agency almost a year ago, and got more info from my files there than I originally had. Weather or not any of it was altered or true to begin with, is beyond me... I think the laws changed from year to year, as the adoptions became closed to open. Honeslty, its all crap one way or another. I tried leaving a letter in my flie for CC just incase my Bmother ever tried to search me and they said I had to deposit some $$$ to even do that... And nothing guareenteed or refunded if it didnt turn out right.. I don't put much faith into an organization that won't even give some support or helpful advice when its really needed. I had a searcher for 4 years, and to this day she has never found anything on me.. Makes me wonder if the non id info was even honest... Where did you do your adoption through?