I am looking for my fathers birthmother or siblings. He was born approximately 4/22/1934 in Providence, RI and adopted thru the Episcopal church, I think. His adopted parents were Pauline and James Furey. We do not know who his birth parents were. Any info is appreciated. He was Robert Edward Furey.
I was also adopted in RI and have found both my bparents and a friends. I'd be glad to help. First step, though, is to write to the state of RI and get non-id and sign up for the passive registry. When you do get the information, it will also tell you what agency handled the adoption. It is important to also write to them. I found that the agency had (or released) information that the state did not have. Many records, such as the US census, will be helpful in this search as your father was born in the 30's. The library has a birth Marriage Death Index that will have records that we can access as well.
Here's the website.
Feel free to pm me if I can help.
My fathers birthmothers name was Eleanor Noble Landry Greene, born in Charleston, RI 11-2-1912. She died 9-7-1994. If there are any surviving children I would love to know. I am looking for medical information for my childrens sake. I dont want to interfere with anyones life.