Good Afternoon,
As in many other countries, the process of adoption from the RMI has evolved and changed through the years. Now there are new laws which have been implemented in agreement between the U.S. and the RMI. Because of these changes, the RMI seems to be popping up in the news all over the place! However, I know there is still a lot of misinformation out there. I don't think there can be many things worse then an unethical agency or a failed adoption. I don't want to see any more prospective families caught in the cross fire of these changes. To that end, if families now want to adopt from the RMI, they need to know that they will have to go through the RMI, INS, and will no longer be able to process it as a domestic adoption.
Here is a quote from Adoptive Families Magazine. It is in their March/April 2004 Vol. 37 #2, page 11, no hidden agenda, just an update on adoption laws:
"Marshall Islands Adoptions
The Marshallese practice of circumventing their Central Adoption Authority by traveling to the U.S. to give birth or finalize adoptions was ended by a December 2003 amendment to U.S. law governing relationships between the U.S. and Marshall Island to prohibit entry into the U.S. for the Purpose of placing a child for adoption."
From another neutral source that shares adoption information, "The Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute" February 2004 on line issue: [url][/url]
President Bush signed an amended Compact of Free Association (H.J.Res. 63, Public Law No. 108-188). The changed law, signed in December 2003, prohibits entry into the United States under the Compact by Pacific Islanders for the purpose of adoption. A 2002 Marshall Islands law established a Central Adoption Authority (CAA), which began operating October 1, 2003. In response to reported abuses, the law requires all adoptions to be processed by the CAA, which licenses and regulates agencies, educates birth parents about the permanency of adoption, and screens complaints, referring violations to the attorney general for prosecution. The law also prohibits the solicitation of birth mothers and bans arranging for them to leave the republic to finalize adoptions. To read the bill, go to: [url][/url]
Is there anyone out there that was involved in an adoption that was to take place in the US with a birthmother from the Marshall Islands, prior to these new laws? Please e-mail me at We would like to discuss this with you!