Information from the Gladney website:
For information about Gladney's Post Adoption Department:
Gladney Center for Adoption
6300 John Ryan Drive
Fort Worth, Texas 76132-4122
Telephone: (817) 922-6000, ext. 2050
Fax: (817) 922-5955
For Gladney adopted persons, we offer:
Counseling and campus tours
׷ Permanent maintenance of vital adoption records
Sharing of information between adoptive parties, if requested
׷ A mutual-consent voluntary registry, after age of 18
Direct, post adoption contact at 18 years of age or older, if requested by both parties
For Gladney birth parents, we offer:
׷ If available, progress updates on your child's development
Access to counseling services
׷ A newsletter specifically for birth parents
An annual birth parent social event
׷ Access to monthly birth parent support groups
A mutual-consent voluntary registry, after age 18
׷ Sharing of information between adoptive parties, if requested
Campus tours
California Website:
Other great websites to check out:
dopkickm79, were you born in '79?? did you do the volunteer registry?? did you request non- identifying information??
I just was matched through Gladney (even though i think I have found my bmom online), and I am waiting to recieve the papers telling me there was a match (they sent them to the wrong place the first time :rolleyes: )
Tell me how things have gone for you.. I am dying to know someone else's experience w/ Gladney!
so far it seems they are only after money from me. i am working with a woman now who is helping me find something but only time will tell
i did the volunteer registry about 6 years ago. all of my non identifying info will cost me 50 dollars. i just think that an adopted person shouldnt have to pay for something that a non adopted person takes for granted. it dosent seem fair.