I found the women I was told was my brother birth mother. After speaking with her I received a letter from her lawyer telling me to not search using her name again, or I would be taken to court. Have any of you run into this and how did you handle it? I have continued to us the last name, just not her first. Could anyone offer any advice?:confused:
I am not sure there really is a legal problem here not sure wht the birthmother could really do to stop you but I would also point out that with such a harsh reaction I would be aware that it appears this birthmother is not interested in a reunion or contact. Generally, it is not helpful to force a birthmother to habe contact and pushing it is not likely going to make it possible for a postive result.
I would write the attorney who sent you the letter and ask if it is possible for him to keep your info--maybe even write a letter to the birthmother and ask this attorney to let her know that there is a letter---and that should she decide she wants it the letter will be in his files....She may have a change of heart later down the road..... either way it is better to not push a person into t relationship they don't want.....sometime hearing there is a search can cause someone else to want the reunion.