ok, i have just let dfs know that our home is ready for a new baby. my son (placed with me at 4 months and adopted at 2.5 years) has some attachement issues. i did all the things you should do with a baby, fed him in my arms while singing, rocking him, giving him lots of attention, ect. however, due to circumstances prior to him coming to me, he still has attachment concerns. i have been reading about bonding and using a baby sling. i want to do this as much as possible with any future children.
i need your sling recommendations and where you got them. thanks
Did anyone mention that your son would have benefitted from a sling? This concerns me, I guess because I am a little of a worrywort. I guess we can't prepare for everything but I am reading a "baby book" and they mentioned that slings may increase bonding. How is your son doing in that area and, if he's older, how have you been handling it and helping him through this?
Just a couple of questions. I hope you don't mind my asking and feel free to pm me if you'd like.
I have an Over the Shoulder Baby Holder and I love it. In fact, I have two. It came with a video on how to use it and that was helpful. My son, 20 months and 37 lbs, still gets to ride in it from time to time and he loves it and being close to me. I also have a 5-month old and she also does really well in it too. When I have her in it, she'll fall asleep and stay asleep for longer than if she were in her crib. There are so many different ways to carry her and she seems to be comfy in it now matter how she's being held.
I get lots of questions and looks about my sling (and we live in SoCA). They come in lots of colors/patterns and different sizes for different body types. I know quite a few dads who like wearing them too, but my hubby isn't one of them. =(
I have a borrowed baby Bjorn and have used it once. I really perfer my sling. It's faster and easier IMO.
The Hip Hammock and the Maya wraps are also very popular. Slings or the Hip Hammock are definitely your best bet with a larger child.
Like someone mentioned ealier, do an internet search by typing "baby sling" or "baby carrier" or something like that and you should get lots of hits. Maybe even check out eBay or a children's resale store for used ones.
Good luck and happy bonding!
I love the NoJo sling. I have used it for seven kids and my five year old still fits in it - barely since he is 28 pounds! I agree that using the sling enhanced attachment.
I use the NoJo, too. Got it at Target several fosterbabies ago. It is wonderful from newborn to toddler. I used a front carrier with my bio's and I feel like the sling is MUCH easier on my back.
I do think it promotes bonding, but I had one baby, who had some sensory problems (couldn't tolerate alot of touch) that would get fussy in it after a while. For the most part though, I couldn't live without it.
I love my Maya Wrap. It comes with a DVD on all the ways to use it. Although I bought mine, they do have a pattern on their website on how to make your own.
I loved our Over the Shoulder Baby Holder - good for bigger framed people. We 'wore' Ryan in a sling for his first 5-6 months, until he liked the Baby Bjorn facing outward better. It was a wonderful experience for all of us.
I've also heard a lot of others, especially smaller framed people, recommend the Maya Wrap.
Regina, AMom to Ryan Joshua Thomas
thanks for all the replys. i am going to get on the net today and order one.
yes, i have read that using a sling enhances attachment, so i just want to do whatever i can to help any future children attach better. also, i will now have a 3 y/o with the new baby and would like to have my hands free to do other things, like laundry or loading the dishwasher, or playing go fish so i can still spend a lot of time with both kids and the house does not fall in around us!
Look here for several types of slings and information. [url=]Inspired by Madeline - Over the Shoulder Baby Holder[/url]
I wanted to add that the Maya Wrap comes in different sizes so a larger framed woman, like myself, can use one very easily. What I love about it is the age range that you can use it for. I just got back from a trip to Disney land with my family. My sister had her 2 month old in her Maya Wrap. I had my 3 year old in mine.
I love my maya wrap. My guy is 28 months and 29 pounds and I still use it, especially in the morning when he is feeling sucky and clingy and I need to do the dishes!
I love a sling. I made my own from a pattern by Elizabeth Lee Designs. You can buy them in many places now. I have also used other types of carries--snugli front carriers, framed backpack carriers--and loved them. With our two children we have never owned a stroller. My oldest would not tolerate being swaddled, so a sling was out. He went straight into a front carrier. My younger was more of a "baby." He liked to be swaddled and held clode so he was in a sling for quite a while before moving on.
Carriers are great for attachment because you can keep you baby with you all the time and still do the things you need to do. I highly recommend them!
I have a wrap'n wear! It can be used up to 45 lbs. It also has a ton of different holds so you can use for different childern several differnt ways to meet their likeing. The lowest price i have found on them is thru ebay. You can also go to their website the ones on the website are cuter they just cost more.
HI! I have a ring sling- I'm not sure the brand name of it. My friend makes them,and gave me one. I use it quite a bit for my 17 mo old - but he is about 18#. I guess you can use them up until age 4 , but I supposed it would depend on how heavy they are.
my little guy loves it,and he usually ends up falling asleep in it.
We are getting a new baby tomorrow ( M's sibling, 4 months). I can't wait to use it for him,too .
i love my ergo carrier, i bought it online for about 80-90 dollars. the best investment i have ever made it puts the weight of the child on your hips instead of your back and shoulders. i have used it on kids ranging between newborn and 4 years. It comes with an instructional video on the different positions you can use it in and how to put the baby in it by yourself.... I LOVE MY ERGO