Yokwe all,
For a little financial perspective on the RMI...
[Link goes to whole article. - Excerpt below.]
Michael Jordan Jostles for Taiwan Room on Nike Tour
May 12 (Bloomberg) -- Michael Jordan, who's scheduled to swing through Asia this month on a promotional tour sponsored by Nike Inc., is competing for a hotel room with the presidents of 15 countries on the Taiwan leg of his trip.....
....Jordan is worth about $400 million, the British Broadcasting Corp. reported on its Web site. That's about four times greater than the 2002 gross domestic product for the Marshall Islands, a cluster of islands in the Pacific. Its president, Kessai H. Note, is attending the inauguration.
Other news on topic:
For those who don't know, the RMI is one of the (few) key and vocal supporters of Taiwan's right to exist as a country distinct from Mainland China.
The Republic of China (Taiwan) assists the RMI with a number of infrastructure oriented aid programs.
On a completely different note...
For those of you in Hawaii, there is the Outrigger construction festival, which has Marshallese participants.
May 15-30, 2004
[Sorry if some of the URLs/links are too long, and don't work.]
David Huskins
Survey of Marshallese Nutrition Choices:
Majuro, Marshall Islands, Images and Resources:
New images of Majuro, urban and rural
Ken Butterfield's W.W.II. experiences on and above Majuro
Historic (late W.W.II.) photos of Kwajalein
My roster of RMI satellite images (hosted by NASA)
Examples of Marshallese woven crafts
Laura and Woja, Majuro - the capital of the Republic of the Marshall
Islands (RMI), in the Central Pacific.
[Photo Courtesy of Marie Maddison, RMI]