(FIA MAY MEAN DSS OR CPS OR WHATEVER YOUR AGENCY IS CALLED, THE FOLLOWING PERTAINS TO EVERY STATE IN THE COUNTRY)THE FIA GAME By Janet M. Frederick, Attorney and Counselor at Law Many citizens in our great State of Michigan are unaware of Michigan's dirty little secret that falls under the guise of the Child Abuse and Child Welfare Protection Laws. The advertisements and literature surrounding this area seem to be doing a magnificent thing for the children of our state. We have been led to believe that the State of Michigan is saving thousands of children from severe physical abuse and neglect. This is far from the truth.The truth is that this campaign is a giant money machine fueled by abuse of power of supervisors and case service workers employed by the Michigan Department of Family Independence Agency and private agencies that have contracted with FIA that we the tax payers are paying dearly for through our hard earned tax dollars. Basically it is "make work by creating a case and keep your job or contract with the state government." The current campaign to save the children is doing just the opposite. Parents and children are being permanently separated and families are being permanently destroyed under this new plan as a result of abuse of power in the name of more state and federal funding.I have been working extensively in this area of law for approximately two (2) years. All of the cases that I am working on do not involve children suffering from broken bones, bruises or starvation. In fact, most of the cases that I am involved in regard parents that merely spanked their children by giving the children one or two swats on the clothed behind, parents who have physically defended themselves from a physically violent teenager, parents who argued in front of their children, recently divorced single parents, parents with low incomes, parents who have failed to take their child to a doctor for mere cold symptoms such as sniffles and mild congestion, or parents who owned p***ographic materials stored in a safe place where the children broke into and viewed the materials.According to FIA, the present state of law is that: 1) Parents cannot spank their child. Spanking, even with clothes covering the bottom, is severe physical abuse. Parents are only to use time out, reasoning and loss of privileges.2) Parents cannot engage in physical self defense to protect themselves from a physically hostile teenager. An act of self defense by a parent is severe physical and emotional abuse. Parents are to use reasoning, time out and loss of privileges only and must sacrifice their physical safety for their violent teenager's safety.3) Parents cannot argue or talk about adult subjects, such as family finances, in front of their children. These are subjects that the child has no control over and creates extreme emotional distress in the child. FIA has classified this area as emotional or environmental abuse and/or neglect of the child.4) Parents with low income are neglecting their children's basic needs. Low income parents cannot provide for the proper medical, physical or emotional needs of their children due to their limited income. The parents' failure to obtain middle income jobs means environmental, medical and emotional neglect.5) Parents that fail to take their child to the family physician for colds, flu, sniffles and mild congestion, or parents who fail to obtain a family pediatrician are neglecting the medical needs of their children. FIA has classified this as medical neglect.6) Parents who own p***ographic materials, such as magazines, books, video tapes, and conceal such materials from their children have created environmental and emotional neglect of their children. Parents who own and hide such material run the risk that children will find these material and view them causing emotional harm to their children. FIA has classified this as environmental neglect.7) Divorced, single parent families seem to be targeted by FIA as high risk environments for emotional and environmental neglect. Most single parent families are low income and of course, according to FIA, cannot provide for the basic needs of the children as measured against middle income standards. Single parents work outside of the home, leaving their children unattended or with "inappropriate care takers" (neighbors, older siblings, grandparents, relatives) causing environmental and emotional neglect of the child. Single working parents are unable to clean their homes "appropriately" and leave their homes cluttered, disorganized, and untidy (i.e. beds unmade, dirty clothes on floors or hampers, dirty dishes in the sink from breakfast, unswept or unvacuumed floors and carpets, etc.) which the family must return to in the afternoon or evening that is classified as environmental neglect. Basically, single parents tend more to their needs (i.e. working outside of the home) that to the needs of their children which is classified as emotional and environmental neglect. Ironically, FIA complies a list of single parent households from the Friend of the Court, sends prevention workers to the homes of such families and initially offers the families free, voluntary services through their prevention program. Such services include free parenting classes, free nutrition programs, free household budgeting programs, free employment training programs, and WIC. The social workers in these programs compile information on the family and home for FIA. Basically, when you allow these workers to enter your lives and your home, you are allowing FIA to build a PS (Protective Services) record against you for child neglect which leads to further child protective proceedings in the Probate/Family Court which will ultimately result in the removal of your children and the children being placed in foster care. These workers are not hired to help you, they are hired to make a case of child neglect against you. Why are families being targeted by FIA. Most people have the misconception that concerned citizens report child neglect and abuse. This is untrue! A small percentage of my cases involve reports of neglect and abuse from neighbors, family members, friends and school officials. In fact, the majority of my cases involved the family receiving some form of voluntary services from FIA, such as the free programs listed above. In the majority of cases, school officials, such as teachers and counselors, never suspected child abuse or neglect in the families that were prosecuted. Moreover, in most cases the family physicians never suspected child abuse or neglect in the families prosecuted. Families are targeted because FIA must justify its need for State and Federal grants to keep its workers employed. Currently, FIA receives, in Federal grants, $2,000 to $4,000 per month per child in foster care and $10,000 per child adopted out into permanent homes after the parent's rights have been terminated due to neglect and abuse. The State of Michigan provides matching funds to FIA. Bill Clinton recently signed new legislation providing for an additional $2,000 to $4,000 per month per child in foster care and $10,000 for adoption. FIA is making money hand over fist through our tax dollars. FIA social workers receive bonuses for removing children from their homes and for adoption. The incentive for abuse of power is extremely high and has occurred at alarming rates.During 1996, Clare County removed 50% of the children in the county for neglect and abuse in the home. It is very hard to comprehend that 50% of the parents in Clare County are neglecting and abusing their children. Clare County is a "demonstration county" that is a pilot county for The Binsfield Laws supported by Federal Grants. These programs involve privatizing the foster care system. The foster care program hires private industry to service the foster care needs of the county children removed from the home. Currently, Eagle Village in Hersey, Michigan holds the foster care contract for Clare County FIA. How does the system work? FIA initially offers families free, voluntary services through prevention services to the families on the FOC (Friend of the Court files, AFDC files, Employment Security Commission files, Social Security files, etc.) such as free parenting classes, free nutrition programs, free homemaker services, free budgeting classes, free employment training programs, etc. The prevention worker works closely with the family to coordinate these free services by meeting with the family in their home on a regular basis, once or twice per week. While working with the family, the worker identifies problems areas that put the children at risk for abuse and neglect so as to qualify the family for these free services, such as poor parenting skills, homemaker skills, budgeting skills, and employment seeking skills. The flip side of this arrangement is that the worker is building a case of neglect and abuse against the parents. Most problems identified are lack of bonding with the children and nurturing due to the parents' participation in these free programs. Basically, the parents are putting their needs before the children's needs by focusing on their problems as identified in their participation in these programs. Furthermore, workers in these programs work in tandem with FIA to identify other risk factors such as poor parenting skills, why else would a parent take a free parenting class if they themselves have admitted to having poor parenting skills. Voluntarily entering into these programs is an actual admission to poor parenting, nutrition, homemaker, budgeting, or employment seeking skills that put the child at risk for neglect and abuse that lay the foundation for child protective proceedings in the Probate/Family Court.The Courts believe that the FIA workers are the professionals and take their word as gold. The parents cannot defend against FIA. The testimony and statements mean nothing in the Probate/Family Court. In fact the Court can issue an emergency pick up order for the children based on only FIA's statements in an ex-parte hearing conduct by the judge and the FIA worker. The parents are not present during these hearings. The Court will issue an ex-parte emergency order allowing the FIA work to enter the home or child's school to remove the child from the parents custody. The parents do get a hearing approximately two weeks later after the removal of the child but FIA is only required to prove that probable cause exists that the children are at risk of neglect and abuse if they remain in the home. Approximately 90 days later the parents may have a trial to determine whether by a preponderance of the evidence that the children are at risk to abuse or neglect if they are returned to the home. Most parents plea to abuse or neglect upon FIA's promise that if the parents plea and engage in services they will get their children back sooner. Most parents plea to charges that they have a temper, they have beaten their children by merely spanking them, they have failed to provide the child with medical attention when they had cold symptoms, or they are unable to provide for the basic needs of the child because they are temporarily unemployed. The Court then takes jurisdiction over the children, places them in foster care and orders the parents to follow the Parent/Agency Agreement to be drafted by FIA. FIA then engages in a lengthy and vague process of ordering the parents to engage in specific services, such as individual counseling, parenting classes again, anger management classes and counseling, psychological evaluations, drug and alcohol testing, classes and counseling, etc. Once parents complete these services, FIA informs the parents, usually during a court proceeding that they have not dealt with the proper issues in these programs that initially led to the removal of the children or the parents have not satisfactorily completed the programs because they will not or are not mentally able to comprehend their actions and the affect of their actions that have harmed their children. It is a no-win situation. FIA is in complete control of the interpretation of whether the parents have successfully completed the Parent/Agency Agreement.Furthermore, if the parents elect to participate in FIA's services with their hired agencies, then the parents never successfully complete the Parent/Agency Agreement. These agencies are FIA's hired hands that build a case against the parents. If the parents elect to engage in services provided by professionals of their choice or referred by their HMO or other health care providers, then the parents must pay enormous amount of money for these services and for these professionals to come to court on their behalf to testify. More importantly, the Court views parents hired witnesses as hired hands and discounts any testimony given by these professionals as being adversarial, unbelievable and hired hands of the parents. FIA and some of the Court have gone as far as accusing the parents of failing to comply with the Parent/Agency Agreement by engaging their own professionals for service which has been deemed grounds for termination of parental rights. It is a no win situation that fails to focus on the best interest of the child.During this whole process, Department of FIA is raking in the Federal and State grants to support its preventive, protective, and foster care programs. These are our tax dollars at work and are being misappropriated and wasted to create a foster care and adoption industry in our state. I am not arguing that there are never cases of child abuse or neglect in this state. There are real case of such that must be meet with the proper social nets. But our current system is froth with abuse of power and waste of precious tax dollars that has created false child abuse and neglect cases for the purpose of creating employment for social workers and private industries providing foster care services, counseling agencies that provide individual therapy and psychological evaluations, and community education programs that provide anger management and parenting classes. All of these agencies are funded by our tax dollars which are being wasted on parents who are only less than perfect and children who are not abused or neglected in the legal sense. Furthermore, all parents are court ordered to pay child support to the foster parents through the Friend of Court for the care of their children while in foster care. Parents pay on an average of $25.00 to $30.00 per week per child if FIA is providing the foster care family through it county agency. Parents pay approximately $150.00 to $2,000 per month if a private agency is hired by FIA to provide foster care services. Nobody is sure where this money goes once it is paid to the Friend of the Court. The system of FIA needs to be restructured to make it workers accountable for their actions. Presently, FIA workers have complete immunity from civil actions in the State of Michigan unless a parent can prove that a worker was grossly negligent in the performance of his or her duties. Unfortunately this is impossible to prove. If a parent pleas or the Probate Court finds that its has jurisdiction over the child for neglect and abuse, FIA continues to have jurisdiction over the child and ultimately terminates the parents rights, this will bar any suit against the FIA worker under the immunity doctrine. Once your child is in the system, FIA and its social workers are not accountable for the worker's actions. The word is gold and the court's accept the workers word as gold. The only recourse a parent has is to appeal the Probate/Family Court's decision which is very expensive. Most of my parents send approximately $10,000 to $20,000 in defending against FIA in child protection cases, even when they plea. Most of my parents end up losing their homes, vehicles, jobs because of court appearances and engagement of professional services, and savings. Most of my parents are forced into bankruptcy. JANET M. FREDERICK 930 MASON DEARBORN, MICHIGAN 48124 OFFICE: (313) 274-8955 EDUCATION: Wayne State University Law School, Detroit, Michigan Juris Doctor, May 1994 Board of Governors Scholarship: 1993-1994 Native American Law Student Organization: President 1993-1994, 1992-1993, Vice President 1991-1992Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, Michigan Bachelor of Science, magna cum laude, June 1990 Major: Public Law and Government Minor: Art Outstanding Senior of the Year Outstanding Junior of the Year Dean's List: 1986-1987, 1987-1988, 1988-1989, 1989-1990 Recognition of Excellence Scholarships: 1987-1988, 1988-1989, 1989-1990 Recognition of Merit Scholarships: 1987-1988, 1988-1989, 1989-1990 Phi Kappa Phi, Phi Sigma, Alpha, Mortar Board, Golden Key National Honor Society, Stoic Society, Outstanding College Students of AmericaEXPERIENCE Matt W. Zeigler & Associates, P.C., Troy, Michigan; Associate Attorney, January 2, 1996 to June 5, 1996Crenshaw & McMahon, P.C., Detroit, Michigan; Associate Attorney, March 27, 1995 to December 31, 1995Sarvis & Herrmann, P. C., Bingham Farms, Michigan; Law Clerk, 1992-1994Washtenaw County Public Defenders Office, Ann Arbor, Michigan; Intern - Law Clerk, Summer 1991Federal Civil Service, WG-5 Step 2, United States Naval Base, N.S.G.A., Homestead, Florida; Dietary Clerk, 1979-1980Federal Civil Service; WG-5 Step 2, United States Naval Base, N.S.G.A., Homestead, Florida; Dietary Clerk, 1979-1980Federal Civil Service; WG-5 Step 2, 4th C.E.C. Storage Facility, United States Army, Germersheim, West Germany; Warehouse Clerk, 1978-1979
Last update on January 3, 6:25 am by Sachin Gupta.
the 'ethical' workers that don't go along w/ ' the flow' get black balled. I also know this first hand from a co-worker, who was highly educated and experienced but tended to be a lazy one w/ her paperwork. After working in our office for 3-4+ years, she was contracted to do psych evals on a bio mom who the state was trying to terminate rights on. My co-worker (not a friend, but I definately respected her) evaluated the mother and concluded that she should maintain rights and refused to alter her judgments, even at the urging of the state worker, my coworkers/ supervisor, and the state's attorney. Well, she held her ground, testified to what she believed, and was black balled by the state agency and subsequently fired from my agency bc of her late paperwork issues. Of course this was a scam and I have heard many of my coworkers and their state worker friends laughing about the whole ordeal. Pretty sick I think.
I am just there to earn my paycheck and hopefully help a family or individual here and there. I know my place but thankfully I guess I can still say that I haven't fallen for the BS...I just avoid it the best I can. So thanks for calling me 'ethical' and a role model for others, but I definately don't think that is just.
Did anyone go to see this news story????
Let me know what you thought of it????
KEYE 42 Top News Stories (Seg.2) 2/25/04
The State Agency are beauecrats and will allways allways cover their butt 1st and last!
When there is no absolute proof,almost imposible to get,and because they are beauecrats and will allways do the absolute most safest thing for themselves 1st in order to to look as good a posible .
The most safest thing todo?
For themselves ?
For the kids?
Take the kids?
We need more clear absolute definitions written in to the law of what constitutes neglect/abuse!
Right now abuse/neglect is whatever when ever the individual worker or supervisor says it is!!!
For any reason.
And a way to make social workers accountable,instead of the absolute power thay have now.
You know what they say about absolute power?
And to go with this,
A higher level of evidence!
And not hearsay,GOSSIP, as it is now.
Please read our story earlier is this thread.
Dear aloha2u and all you social workers
Thank you for your honisty.
Please write your stories to any authorities you can think of especially in you state capitol and Washington DC.
Write anonimiously to protect yourself but please do it.
The authorities will more likely listen to you social workers than to us because you know the truth of these things happening!
Because nobody listens to us
Because we are child neglectors/abusers
Our "kind" allways protests!
And are not "worthy" to be listened to!
God Bless America
Have Mercy On Us
The Social Workers Of Michigan FIA
Go to this link click on cases and then Tammy Cushing. IF you think these people are not heartless monsters think again. There are some workers who see that is going in and you are right they don't last long if they don't tought the party line and get the kids taken. We have members of the Foundation who can tell you first hand. Foster parents are intimidated too and retaliated against for helping in any way to get the children re-unified with families.
My daughter lives in Mightigan ans told me this story:
An adoptive family,with many children,adopted through FIA,
in her church was having their wheel chair bound daughter removed by a FIA social worker because
the social worker got it into her head that the boys in the family might ...............MIGHT! MOLEST HER!
No evedence just her fear encourager by her department!
She probably saw some movie or had a bad dream!
The church with the help of a prominent lawyer was helping the family fight with a collection for legal fees.
Don't tell me the state isn't encourageing their workers to do these horrible things!
What a nightmare!
What fear all families must live in!
Gestpo is the word that comes to mind!
I worked for the FIA for 30 yrs and I know what I'm talking about!
Dennis Stacilauskas
Well thanks to this site, more than likely, Tammy Cushing has been strong armed by CPS to back off from fighting for her children. How typical. The lady gets the pleasure of not only dying from cancer, but she get's to do it knowing that her children were unconstitionally removed from her home so that some case worker could have job security and the dept. could stay out of the spotlight for their unlawful and unethical tactics.
I know I'll sleep better tonight. How about you?
CPS and thier illegal tactics are alive and well as I have just found out. An "anonymous" call was all it took, the Ivestigator interrogated 3 of my children, 2 of whom are Mentally Retarded. When asked how dare he ask an obviously handicapped child (Downs Syndrome), he replied he didn't know they were handicapped. This interogation was conducted without my permission, how could I agree, I wasn't home. He then threatened me later (upon his return) with court orders etc unless he was allowed into the house. His line of questioning to my daughter was Insensitive at best, sexually harassing in my eyes. I am now left waiting in fear that this Investigator will use the illegally gained information to have my children removed from the only home they have ever known. There will be a fight no matter what transpires. I only wish I had known my Rights, before this transpired, rather than a week after. I will post any further developments in hope of helping someone / anyone before this happens to them.
[font=Arial Black]Round 2, so far I am holding my own, but who knows how long this may last. The second "visit" occurred yesterday, I sense a change in tactics, and my instincts tell me "set up". The "Investigator" has now refocused on my son in Hospital rather than my daughter or the other 2 sons here at home. His approach was to "keep the family together" or so he says. He wanted me to check my son out of the Hospital and my response was NO! under no circumstances would I check him out and bring him home, he was and is a Physical Threat to the others. He then offered "his help" to which I responded, find him a facility that will address his schizophrenia, hallucinations, compulsive/defiant disorder, plus the abuse he suffered as a toddler before I adopted him, then and only then would I secure his release and drive him directly to said facility. I told him that tomorrow (being today, Tuesday) would work, as would Thursday. He assured me that he would drive directly to his office, locate a facility and phone within 30 minutes.....4 hours passed, no call, so I booked in customers for the day. For any who may be under the impression that these visits do not affect your children, Please listen, my 2 MR sons are not sleeping properly, the youngest saw this Investigator driving up yesterday.......immediately ran into the house and double locked the front door all the while screaming for me to help him, there was a "bad man" coming to the house. The other son (Downs Syndrome) is once again hiding in the bedroom, he stopped hiding as soon as I committed the son in hospital. I am not taking any more chances or giving him the benefit of the doubt, I bought a tape recorder and EVERY conversation will be taped. Round #3 will surely arrive before I expect.[/font]
Good work. Make sure you tape every conversation with anyone concerned with your situation. This is called CYA. These people are never and I mean never to be trusted. They are good at trying to assure you they are there to help. They are there to help destroy your familiy and that is all they are there for.
This insanity has to end and I firmly believe it will because the word is getting out across the country and there is very good headway being made in some of the states to bring change. Michigan is one of them but we are keeping the fire to feet of the legislators.
[font=Arial Black]I am sure there are those who may think people such as myself are perhaps paranoid, or at least cynical, well after waiting 3 days for a phone call that was to arrive within 30 be the judge. This is the CPS Investigator who's second visit was to preserve the family at any cost and would do "anything" to help. Call me cynical then, he is little more than a treacherous man with his own hidden agendas, one of which is a political career. The only help to be gained is his career. I can only repeat, what others have said.....Please Be careful when you are dealing with CPS, you & your children are at risk. I have witnessed only a sampling of their tactics and it is disgraceful. I will fight back with any and all legal means at my disposal. This "gentleman" will no longer have the opportunity to put me on the defensive. I will keep you informed of the next "visit" and as so many know, there is always one more visit![/font]
[font=Arial Black]This "Investigator" was most assuredly setting me up......I received a call from the Hospital to come and pick up my child, that the "investigator" had assured them I was ready and willing to secure his release and bring him home. The Counselor / Therapist was "stunned" (her words), that I was doing a complete 180 degree turn around. I am 100% positive this CPS official will be paying yet another visit as she is referring this to the Dr. who is treating my son and from there he will be writing discharge orders, which in turn means they phone me to pick him up and bring him home, when I refuse, the call goes into CPS as Child Abandonment. This man has completely ignored the testing results from a psychologist, a psychiatrist warning of the danger posed by this child to the other children in my home, now he is ignoring the reports and testing done at the Hospital. Where do these people get the audacity to play with the lives of Children and parents. ALL in the name of trying to "make a case". Again, I echo the warning, that many others have given....... DO NOT TRUST any of these so called concern & caring CPS Officials. Every time this man has offered help, it has turned out to be a LIE.[/font]
I have a CPS case that was opened after my 5yr old step daughter was injured playing in the yard. We were investigated and were told everything is fine don't worry we will be closing the case this is mandetory even a friend of ours that is a Police officer was investigated when hi son broke his leg....Well low and behold months later a CPS worker starts showing up at my door because my fiance and I had a loud argument...I figured no big deal no laws were broken we never harmed one another except maybe with some nasty words butt we made up and have been seeing a counselor to deal with are family stresses for awhile now...Besides my step daughter breaking her leg we have a beatiful new baby boy whitch while wonderful is stressfull we have also lost my step childrens father do to suicide and on top off all that I was diagnosed with Reumetiod Arthritis and Fibromylgia...Well after some weeks of this CPS worker showing up 2 three times a week it started disturbing and scaring my children and upsetting my fiance terribly...I finaly said enough after she came knocking on my door at 9pm on a sunday...well here we go we get halled into court with accusations of a fight between us and my record from 20 years ago...It was thrown out...Thought I was done...Not.. CPS worker appealed and got us back in to court and brought my boys School counselor in to testify about what my boys told her while in counseling...I ubjected the referee asked if we would like counsel and adjourned until the following Tuesday one week but we asked for more time so she asked them if there was any reasone for her not to adjourn the said no then I brought up the fact of spring brake and it would be 3 or four weeks until after holiday they said no problem no emergency and it was adjourned for almost 6 weeks...At that hearing are lawyers told them we were not agreeing we were contesting it was then adjourned again for 2 more weeks..Surprise!!!!! after getting home I recieved a phone call from the CPS worker that said we had to be back in court that afternoon... Geuss what they took all five of my children on a false accusation that while in court in the morning the CPS worker and the prosicuting attorney wittnessed my fiance strike her 11yr old daughter during this hearing my fiance had no lawyer present and never waived her right to counsel....My childrens attorney was asked by my fiance to go ask her daughter what happened she only 10 feet away..His comment was no he did not have to the accusation came from an official of the court and might or might not be true he doesnt care..Mind you I havent been charged with anything we left the referee chambers and were told we could talk to our children and say good office got in my face and told me I had to leave the building or be arrested and another office grabbed my fiances right arm bending it backward while grabbing her chin and forcing her head back my nine month old baby and my 5yr old step daughter almost hit the floor because they were in there moms lap..This was also witnessed by my ex and 11 yr old son from her...My 15yr old daughter 11yr old son where here for almost every CPS visit and never been spoken too niether has my EX whitch all live to blocks from me and stayed with me this weekend like most...On top off all that we are suppose to have weekly supervised visits every week so far only one visit has happened with my 2 step daughters and my baby and then one with my step sons...while at that visit i was informed that I wont be seeing my baby for atleast 2 more weeks and my sons have not seen each other at all and it will be over a month when and if they do..If anyone can help my email is CCASERV@yahoo.comTell me if u think this sounds like justice...
[font=Arial Black]The battle is on once again. I was served with papers to appear before Judge......coincidence or "dirty tricks", served on a Wednesday evening, and have to appear on the following Monday at 9:00 AM. That allows a whole 2 days to find a competent lawyer and for that lawyer to prepare for the case. These papers were prepared in April but some how took until last night to arrive. Don't think for a minute CPS is not sly, crafty and able to dance on the thin edge of what is legal and what isn't. They just happened to list a "previous" allegation.....with Administrative closure, but misreported it as "sexual abuse" against my 2 youngest, when in fact it was the brother of the child who is now the center of this whole mess. He to suffered from mental illness and was a physical threat to the other children. He had not been adopted and I returned him to the State in order to protect the other children. Of course they failed to mention him at all, and we all know that even the allegation of sexual abuse casts a long and dark shadow upon the accused. CPS is able to manipulate the Courts and legal system at will. A parent who tries to do the right thing is still guilty if they (CPS) decide you are. I'm surprised they have not levied fees against me for the weight I have lost from the worry and concerns they have caused me. They say this is a Great Country, and I believed, at least until this happened. A person gives up a Career and a comfortable way of life in order to give children that no one wanted, a better life and the opportunity to be part of a family, and CPS rewards you with possible financial ruin, loss of all the children you adopted and loved, and as an added Bonus, BRANDS you a child abuser, because you sought help. May God Have MERCY on our Souls![/font]
[font=Arial Black]Hopefully this may help someone now or in the future, who has similar dealings with CPS. The moment CPS starts an investigation, arm yourself with a tape recorder, and then immediately start looking for a competent lawyer, Board Certified in Family Law, and be prepared to spend thousands of dollars to defend yourself. Hopefully you will have some sort of a diary that can remind you of any Dr.s, therapists, or any other Professional that may have been in your child's life. If they bring any charges against you, believe me they will dig into your life and ferret out anything that vaguely resembles being a bad person. Then when you see the papers, suddenly there are all kinds of things recommended, anger management, sexual abuse treatment, drug and alcohol treatment, everything imagineable.....these were all listed on my papers.......even though there was No Criminal History, not even a parking ticket, No Drug or alcohol problems, no sexual abuse, no parenting problems. From a former CPS worker and my lawyer, I am told they use a blanket approach, list everything imagineable, and let you fight your out, I'd prefer to call it the manure approach.......they throw a bucket of manure on you and see if any sticks. I will keep posting until this ordeal ends, and if I help one parent fight and win then it is worth it. [/font]
[font=Arial Black]Many days have passed, and I await the next round of psychological warfare. My children are finally beginning to relax at home, I am trying my best to shield them from all of this unpleasantness, but they can sense the tension. One thing for sure, I have used the "lull" to further prepare, not waiting to be blindsided by another attack. I have been assured by an "insider" there will be more coming. The physical toll is noticeable, almost 3 jean sizes in about a month, the emotional toll is immense, I'm sure they count on this to keep you on the defensive and complacent. This brief time has been sufficient though, I am no longer in a panic mode, able to think and react in a more sensible and logical way. I truly thought I would go crazy, thinking they were going to show up at any moment to seize my children. Luckily my Business has improved and by keeping busy I don't dwell on the problems as much. I probably owe a few an apology for sounding like a lunatic, others who have faced the possibility of losing their children will understand. No matter what happens, I am going to fight them, and when this is over, I shall take the time to try and sort out all the facts, what worked and didn't work, things I learned from research and lawyers. I am safe guarding all taped conversations etc and will try to contact State Representatives and any politician that will listen. America can not allow this to continue, our voices and those of our children need to be heard. Any changes can only begin when we, who have fallen victim, speak out. There should be no shortage of stories when there are 1.4 million familes a year faced with this same ordeal. God Bless[/font]