Please help... My finace' wants to adopt my son when we get married. The father wants to give up rights. He did not sign the birth cert. He does pay child support. At what point can my fiance' sign the birth cert??? He has been his Dad since he was 3mo and now he is 18mo. We don't know if we have to wait till we are married for a certin time length before he can adopt him. Do we have to get a lawyer?? Please help we just want to get on with our life and be a happy family!!!!
Thank you for all your info. We live in MI and don't know the laws. I am sure that we will have to get a lawyer and just let them handle this. We were hoping that we would not have to get one. But if we want it done right we have to. How long do we have to be married. I have a friend going through the same thing, and she said its 1 year. I am not sure where she got her info from. Thanks!!!!!
My husband wants to adopt my daughter. He has raised her as his own since she was 4 months old. She is now 11 years old. Where do I start. My husband and I have been together 11 years, married only 3 years and we live in California. What is the process?
Anyone please!