I'm searching for birth-mother ancestory...She was probably born aroun 1935 or 1936..She was the youngest of 9 and spent most of her life in foster care....
She gave birth to a child in 1955 and that child died at age 4 of cerebral palsy...
Second child was born in 1956 or 1957///
Third child was born in 1958...
These children were to 3 different fathers....
Child 4 was born in 1959 or 1960
Child 5 was born in 1961
These children were to the same father...His name was supposedlly Clarence.....They were never married due to his closeness and responsibility to his parents....
All the children were put up for adoption...
Birth mother's name was either...Mary or Mary Jane.....
I know I was born in Frederick, Maryland.....
If this sounds familiar to anyone, please, feel free to email me or send me a private message...I would really like some medical information....It's very important....
Apparently birth mother died 20 years ago...Birth father is still alive and probably living in the Maryland area.....
As I stated before...I need medical info. as soon as possible...
Thanks so much...all replies would be kept confidential....