My bio son, Kevin, will be in the 6th grade in the fall. He just turned 12 (hard to believe!)He has been diagnosed with high functioning autism, ADD and a language processing disorder. He does well in school, but struggles with math. He gets the concept just as they are ready to move on to the next concept. He also does not test well in math because his confidence is lower.
There is a Kumon math tutoring program here and I am wondering if anyone has used the Kumon tutoring method? It is a self-paced method. The kids work on 'worksheets' that progress from one concept to the next. The cost is very reasonable at $90 per month.
Thanks in advance,
Amy W
Mom to Angel Delaney (in heaven due to leukemia), Kevin (12), and Shelley (almost 5, came into our hearts in March 04 through adoption.)
I am going to sign my 5 year old up for Kumon this Fall. A lot of kids at our elementary school do it and not only do they do better in school but seem much more confident in class. I see a major difference in the math scores of kids who do it and those who don't (my older kids didn't and I won't be making that mistake again).
I would ask them flat out if they have exeperience with kids who have the issues your ds has. Some programs are better than others for kids with speicla needs. Have you talked to Linda Mood Bell? they specialize in ADD and Processing disoders. I know a couple of kids who are autisic who used them with great success.
We have been doing Kumon math AND reading for my kindergartener for 2 months now. It was hard at first because it would take him 2 hours per day (incl. weekends) to get his worksheets done.
Now, it takes him an hour and even though it's every day, I see the difference it has made to his ability to focus, his confidence, his understanding of concepts, everything!
But it takes a lot of parent participation just to make them sit in the chair -- be prepared.
My daughter tried Kumon for a few months and had a difficult time staying interested in the worksheets. It was starting to get difficult taking her to the classrooms and she started to not like them. I asked other parents at school and they suggested a website called Beestar. We were able to pace my daughter's progress online and keep her interested in the worksheets. Also we were able to take more weekend trips instead of being tied down to having to take her to all the classes.
Agree and I found out that foundation is the most important for my son. Beestar is doing a great job from it.Also it helped him so much with the experience and quickness in school.
Agree and I found out that foundation is the most important for my son. Beestar is doing a great job from it.Also it helped him so much with the experience and quickness in school.
Agree and I found out that foundation is the most important for my son. Beestar is doing a great job from it.Also it helped him so much with the experience and quickness in school. Again, i recommend Beestar for all grades kids.