I'm an adoptee looking for a sibling born in or around 1958 in Maryland....I do not have an exact date or anything like that..
If this might sound interesting to me or send me a private message....
I was born in Baltimore, Md. in 1958 to Linda Reed and adopted by the Otten family. I was told my birth mother lived on Whitelock St. with her parents and a sister. Does any of this jive?
I'm sorry to say...nothing matches what you have said..and..I'm so sad about it...I saw somebody responded and was so excited....I was born in Frederick, Maryland to a lady named Mary/MaryJane and a guy named Clarence...they were never marreid..and..they had one other child before me..I was born in 1961...but...I do have half siblings born in 1956..1958....the one in 1955 died....but....I'm still looking for one born in 1959 or 1960 also...that one would be the full sibling...I've done everything I can think of to get info....How's your search going? You can send me a private message if you want to ...
Just a quick e-mail - I am looking for an older brother born in October November 1958 in Baltimore, Maryland. My father did not marry the birth mother; apparently the birth mother gave the child up for adoption. My father married and had six kids. Thought I'd ask!