I need some advise. I have a 3 yr old from a previous relationship and have been with my defacto now for 2 1/2 years. He has brought "our" daughter up since she was 4 months old and would like to adopt her. We have been told that we have to be married for 2 years before this can happen. But i have read on the netthat in some states of australia we only have to be in a defacto relationship for 2 years.
Does anyone know how we can go around this problem?
Does anyone know the states which only require a de facto relationship.
Thankyou for your help!!!
It depends what state you're in as the laws vary from state to state.
I would contact the Department of Families in your capital city, they should be able to give you all the info you need for your state. They usually have freecall phone numbers if you live in a regional area.
Hope this helps.