Looking for Nicole M. Abbatiello, born 6-18-84 at Good Samaritan Hospital in Cincinnati, OH. Possible AKA Molly Johnson living in Northern Ohio.
Birthmom looking. (Lisa Abbatiello) Married name Ginesi.
Nicole was looking for me in May 2004. She found my fathers obituary and connected the last name. Showed up at my mother's house and she offered no information.
Please help me find Nicole.
Lisa Abbatiello
Looking for Nicole M. Abbatiello, born 6-18-84 at Good Samaritan Hospital in Cincinnati, OH. Possible AKA Molly Johnson living in Northern Ohio.
Birthmom looking. (Lisa Abbatiello) Married name Ginesi.
Nicole was looking for me in May 2004. She found my fathers obituary and connected the last name. Showed up at my mother's house and she offered no information.
Please help me find Nicole.
You may or may not remember me from "way back when"...but I remember you from when we both used to work at Scandinavian Health Spa when Bally's was still on Westbourne Dr, just down the street from Western Bowl, back in the early to mid 80's.
(I was a part-time aerobics instructor in the evenings, remember? And I remember... you usually worked the front desk.)
I was doing some random keystokes Monday afternoon on Google, and your name somehow popped into my head.
(That's probably because I'd just got done with my 30th 8th grade reunion last weekend :eek: , and "old times" is still quite on my mind, I suppose!)
That's what led me to
When I saw your 4-year-old plea on here looking for help finding your daughter Nicole or "Molly", I immediately did some searching on my own.
I found information about a Molly Johnson near Columbus OH, that supposedly is 24 years old now.
That would line up exactly with the 6-18-84 birthdate you posted here.
I wasn't able to track down any phone numbers, but I found an address for her of 2444 Jerman Rd, Hilliard OH 43026
I certainly hope this is of some help to you, Lisa!
And I certainly hope you're doing well after lo these many years.
Mark W
former "West-sider"
now living with family :grouphug: in Springboro OH