Sorry, don't know about the MOJ thing.
We are just starting, just put in the home study, waiting for a proposal, wondering what to expect. Does anyone know of the current wait times in Bulgaria? I read in an earlier post that the wait would most likely be until after Christmas... is ths so? :confused:
I am a bit concerned about the wait times stated here vs. the wait time given by our agency. We started the adoption process in June of 2003, but we originally were registered with Russia. We waited for 7 months on that list of waiting families....we were 13th in line at our agency for a girl. And in those 7 months the line never moved. Last month, we got a letter from our agency offering to switch us to the Bulgarian program, transferring all of our money etc.... We went ahead and did that. We re-documented and have just now finally sent our dossier to Bulgaria. Our agency has said that we will be on the MOJ list within the next month. But is this possible?! Here you are saying that it takes FIVE months to get on the list, from the time your dossier is submitted?! And then we were told it would be 2-4 months for a referal -- total wait time 5 months.
Hmmmmmm. Who's right?! Anyone know?
We sent our papers over 7-12-04(minus INS letter) and they were translated, legalized and registered on 7-29-04(we have a registration number for all it is worth). Added the INS papers 9-4-04(or so) and they were re redistered(same number so I assume we are in same position in line). On Sept 22 my agency in Bulgaria was notified by the MoJ that we were missing one document(means they at least were looking at the dossier) and we sent that document(notarized,registered and apostilled) on Sept 27th. I hope that we do not lose our place in line.
Have faith everyone.....I can't say whether or not this is going to be a consistent experience for everyone, but I can tell you that my agency got 2 referrals under the new system. One came 3 1/2 months after being registered and the other in 4 1/2 months. My caseworker is thrilled about that. I only hope that I and all of us get that lucky to have such a short wait time for a referral.
PS--Rita--I finally saw your PM--sorry. I don't usually log on. I just surf without logging on. I did PM you back.
I'm really not sure what is going on with Bulgaria. It is so very interesting at times. What I do know right now is that my dossier was registered on 10-18-2004 according to the attorney over there (don't have a registration number but will be requesting that from my agency). She continues to stick by her estimate of 6 months from the date the dossier arrived at MOJ to the completion of the adoption. I'm really not sure what's going on. I know there has been some problems within MOJ that seems to be affecting things, but I hope we get is over with. My parents (77 and 78) are anxiously awaiting the completion of this! As I am! Dana
When you say 3 and a half months after being registered, what does that mean? How long did it take to get registered? I've been told 5 months till referral from the point the dossier is sent. Does anyone know anyone without a special needs child that has received a referral in that time frame? Or has the new process just taken effect so no one has had time to get referrals under the new system????
Here's some more questions for anyone who might actually know how the system works in Bulgaria! We sent in our 1-600 form and received a letter saying it was received (though we just finished the homestudy which hasn't been forwarded yet). When we get the dossier finished, do we have to wait for INS fingerprints before we can send it to Bulgaria? Also, we did the other set of fingerprints that Bulgaria needs and sent them somewhere and haven't received that back yet. So I'm just wondering, do they need everything before you can get "a place in line" in Bulgaria? Or can you send the fingerprints afterwards?
I submitted all my documents(except the I 171H letter) at the same time. They were translated legalized and submitted prior to us even receiving the INS paper. We did get a registration number for the date that the first stuff was deposited.
So that can be done and I would submit it as soon as you have it together but I would submit all the dossier together and not in fragments because then you are likely to start having things misplaced.
The FBI prints are usually pretty fast and there is a number you can call in Clarksburg,WV to check on them(will try to get it to you). They process the same day that they receive them. You can go to the US Embassy Sofia site and obtain a list of all documents needed for dossier and not even wait for your agency to tell you because it is country dictated and not agency.
INS can give you a receipt for your app of the I600A form but they will add the HS and then send out the fingerprint appt(which you can go immediately and not wait for that date), they will then process your application in the order that it was received. Some states are fast and some are really really slow(like NC). Hope you are in a fast state.
Hope this info helps and keep us posted.
Mary,Thanks for all your help and knowledge! Sometimes it feels like we're supposed to be able to figure all this out on our own and it makes me feel stupid to have all these questions. It's nice to know we're not alone out there. What do you mean that we can get the fingerprints done before we get a note for the appointment? I thought we had to wait till they contact us! By the way, did I ever congratulate you on your referral? You must be SOOOOOO excited to get to travel soon!Miriam
Here is that number for FBI 1-304-625-5598. You can see what day it was received and what day it was processed. The best thing you can do with any adoption is try to learn everything you can about the process , the country and every aspect of where your money is going. The US Embassy Sofia site gives some accurate information on the process and documents required and now supposedly everyone has to play by the same rules.
Please remember that everything has to be with Apostile before it is sent to Bulgaria.
What state are you in? You can go get your INS fingerprints the day that you receive the fingerprint appt that will come in a letter after the HS has been processed.
Thanks for the Congrats we are beside ourselves with JOY. Irline tickets bought and hotel reservations made and we are now collecting donations and stuff for our boy.
Hi All!
I was wondering Mary, on your first trip, what you will bring your baby to leave with him until you pick him up the second trip. Can we leave things other than donations to orphanage that are specifically for our child? I would like to make a picture book with the family members and our names in Bulgarian for our child to have. I want to leave other things too, but I don't want to be insensitive to the other children. I just want to be well prepared in advance.
Also, we have sent our dossier to Bulgaria for translation and legalization, but we need to add INS clearance letter. We received our fingerprinting appointment time this month, but in the letter it stated that we could come at a different time, but not BEFORE our scheduled time. we live in WI. Maybe it varies. If not, I sure would go this week.
Thanks and have a safe trip.
Maria, I left a picture book for my daughter when I went on my first trip. I also brought 2 toys to play with her. I brought the toys because I wanted to see if she learned how to play with them - to check out the brain functions. Anyway, they put her name on both toys. I am sure they made it to the general pile after we left.
I was encouraged by me agency to bring special gifts and treats for my child. Do not worry about being insensitive to the other children, because you will not be given an opportunity to interact with them.
Also, ask your agency about hiring a granny for your child. My daughter was in Varna. It cost me $50 a month to have this woman come visit her every day. Well worth it in my opinion.
Thanks Kay- a little late, I know. I asked our agency about the Granny and she told me that there was no need to pay extra, it was already included in our fees. Funny, this great thing was never mentioned in their program outline though.
I will bring books/toys then, thanks alot.
Have you heard any more word on council meetings in Bulgaria/news?
We were allowed alot of interaction with the children in our son's building. There are about 10-15 kids that I can name by name in pictures we were allowed to take. We took little books, playdoh, cars and the little dolls from Mc Donalds for all the little was a big hit. Remember that a lot of these children play way below the level of the normal US 2 year old and bring baby like toys.............blocks ....colorful cars and balls. refrain from things that use batteries as there is no money to replace these batteries. They can always use push walkers as well if you can fit it. I gave everything to the kids ....out of wrappings and then there was no chance of it being taken home or resold. You also can bring snacks...cookies,cakes and fruit for all the kids and also bring some for the nurses who take care of the kids.......they appreciate that. There were 2 photo albums floating around of waiting families and the kids had open access to them. I guess it depends on the orphanage but we had a lots of opprotunity with our son and many other kids.
The granny thing was not included in mine but he already has a persoanl caretaker m-f so we made a deal with her to either take him home on weekends or visit sat and sunday.