Hi I am trying to find the translation for Mother and Father from english to Ukrainian. Most places i have found only translate into Russian. Any help would be appreciated.
Hi Bonnie!
If you still need help with translation into Ukrainian, you can write me EDITED FOR PRIVACY
I would be glad to help you with it.
I am Ukrainian, who moved to America some time ago, and I know ukrainian language very well.
Formally, mother is Matir (pronounced MAHtir) and father is ba'ko (BAHt'ko).
Informally, Mommy is "Mama" and Daddy is either Tato (pronounced TAHto, informal, Western Ukraine) or Papa (informal, Eastern Ukraine).
Formal terms are used by adults and in official settings. Informal terms are used by children when speaking to their parents or other family members.
For instance, I am an adult native Ukrainian speaker, and my mother is "Mama" and my father is "Tato" even though they are 80 years old. I use the word bat'ko only when speaking to people who are strangers or in formal settings.
Good luck with learning Ukrainian!
ps If you want to learn some more Ukrainian, I recommend the website run by Yevshan, it is a reputable company and offers tapes and dictionaries for sale.
In certain areas of the US and Canada, you can also take Ukrainian at a university/college or with a private Ukrainian tutor.
Thank you for posting a reply. My nephew has already started calling my sister mama and brother-in-law papa. It's so cute!
Thanks again!