We have adopted 4 children, 3 of which are siblings. The forth sibling entered the system last year and went to a temp foster home because we relocated. Therefore we had to go through the whole inspection, homestudy and class thing again. We finished early this year, ICPC work completed, second judge on the case opened it up so we (mom, dad and siblings) could visit. We have had 7 to 8 visits, kids getting attached and boom, the temp foster mom files a competing adoption petition, gets an unauthorized (via agency's approval) bonding study done submits it to the court. Court didn't give us a heads up to address it, judge schedules an emergency hearing, tapping other side on the hands for obtaining the report while still taking it into consideration, Then she discontinues any further visiting with us and he siblings and schedules an evidentiary hearing in 4 1/2 weeks to make a placement decision.
We are looking for reasearch and studies to support the fact that a 16 month old will adjust fine with her biological siblings, we have video and audio tapings of the visits that support the bonding of the siblings as well as pictures. Because we are 850 miles away, we have people who are doing letters on our behalf, how we interact with our children, because there are 6 in the house. The agency, GAL, social workers all support us and are fighting for this finalization. The only true thing that stands in the way is that the temp foster mom, who has been told that she was temporary from the beginning, has been caring for this child for the last 14 months. Pls advise!
Eagerly waiting!