ICAB has chosen and recommended two local adoption agencies in Canada and they are all in the Province of Quebec. This Province is quite unique in Canada for its very own civil laws and for many years work against the Canada federalism with referendum of their sovereignty. Though most canadian do think that Canada should include Quebec but many Quebecers have very nationalistic feeling towards their country. According to most of them Quebec is Quebec. There provincial government building do not have the picture of Canada Head of State (Queen Elizabeth 2). They held referendum for their sovereignty rights. One time they even have very strict language law by restricting the only language allow on any advertising billboard or commercial neon lights to French only whereas the offical languages of Canada has been both English and French. Violators could be subject to a heavy fines.With all these politically contraversy and conflicts ICAB should consider the viability to have agencies situated in the province of Quebec. They may, though now seems a remote possibility , one day seperate from the rest of Canada.This is the hope of most Quebecers and they are
trying all kinds of routes to arrive at this.
Any agency can apply to be ICAB certified. ICAB doesn't choose them. They just have to be Hague Convention Compliant. So, if you know someone well at an agency, maybe you could get them to apply for certification. I don't know details of what they'd have to do, but it is doable. I talked to Dr. Laraya about it when we were there this summer. Good luck!
Dear Jen,
I do not know much about the background of the agnecies itselfs in the province of Quebec which correspond with ICAB for Inter Country Adoption so I cannot comment about their credibility
Inspite of the overwelming nationalistic character in the province of Quebec, Canada is one of the world most politically stable and peaceful country for everybody to live. If one day the province of Quebec do break away from Canada Federalism to find her own destiny, it will be a peaceful seperation.