November is National Adoption Awareness Month, be proactive in educating your community about adoption!
Only we can change the way adoption is portrayed by the general public!
[*] Write an essay and submit it to the local newspapers!
[*] Contact your local newscast and find out about public interest pieces
[*] Write letters to the major TV houses regarding positive adoption portrayal in their shows
Its time to make your voices heard!
I created some Positive Adoption stuff on a retail website that I cant post.
If anyone wants to take a look, give me a PM :)
I volunteered a bit ago to talk at the highschools, but never though about Planned parenthood, and womankind, and other such places women considering abortion/adoption go. I would love to talk to them about ADOPTION also! Why didnt I think of that when visiting the high schools!
I wear my green ribbon and this year we are looking into getting magnetic green ribbons for our cars made. I get asked all the time what it stands for and I happily educate people about the need for open records!
Originally posted by belleinblue
I wear my green ribbon and this year we are looking into getting magnetic green ribbons for our cars made. I get asked all the time what it stands for and I happily educate people about the need for open records!
Can I ask about the green ribbon? I have never heard of it or what it stands for but I am assuming it has something to do with adoption.
Thank you.
Oh and I am planning and adoption conference for my local Families Supporting Adoption support group. I am hoping to talk to my church in doing article or a display. I am also a member of a mom forum and they have agreed to let me share and inform all the moms the whole month with articles and poems.
I just want to let you know thta e-bay has some car magnets on there now. I am actually bidding on one. This one says, Adoption..the caring option.
I saw a couple of different ones on there too, I only remember one it said Adoption A gift from God. I wasn't all that impressed with that one because it is just a green rectangle with the words in white, sort of bland.
Just thought I'd share
The green ribbon is worn for awareness about the need for open records in adoption. All adopted people should have access to their original birth certificate and in most states we don't without at the very minimum a court order, in some states it is illegal to possess your OBC if you are adopted. This needs to change, the lies need to stop.
I'm pm'ing you about your retail site.
I would KILL (lol, well maybe not...but would love to have one) for a pin that said "Ask me about adoption."
Anyone have any ideas about what would make a good angle for a newspaper piece? Am willing to give that a shot. Would like it to be about open adoption...but what angle do I take? How do I approach it?
Oooooh, can' t wait to see your stuff, Brandy.
Nicole :)
Mine actually come off a yard of green that I happened to get in a bag of ribbon remnants from WalMart a while back. I just cut a new one when I need it.
As for the magnetic ribbons what we are going to do is buy the yellow ones that are so popular right now and rough them up with sandpaper and spray paint them a dark green. I know our WalMart has those as well back in the automotive dept.
There are websites that offer customizable awareness ribbons, but you do have to buy them in bulk.
Hey everyone,
Just thought I'd share something.... I found a site last night that let's you design your own t-shirts. So that is what I'm doing for an adoption awareness t-shirt.
Not sure if I'm allowed to post the link here to the site... (am I, Brandy?). If not, anyone who is interested can pm me for the site. I'm loving it because you can really personalize your t-shirt and make it say what you want it to.
This thread got me thinking! Thank you! I have already contacted our church leadership about reaching our congregation. I will certainly try some other options too.
Your post motivated me to do something to 'get the word out about adoption'. We have adopted four children through our state with two more adoptions within the next few months. I contacted our local paper and they were kind to send a reporter out. Our story was printed in last week's paper. Two other families through adoptions {private, agency} were also interviewed. I also contacted our library to feature adoption books. They even asked for suggestion of books about adoption that are not already on the selves. Thanks, again!
Your post motivated me to do something to 'get the word out about adoption'. We have adopted four children through our state with two more adoptions within the next few months. I contacted our local paper and they were kind to send a reporter out. Our story was printed in last week's paper. Two other families through adoptions {private, agency} were also interviewed. I also contacted our library to feature adoption books. They even asked for suggestion of books about adoption that are not already on the selves. Thanks, again!