I'm looking for a middle name for a girl that has a strong meaning. I really like Faith and Hope, because it took both, but neither go very well with her name.
Her first name begins with an S, and dh's last name is very long and very Polish. So I've given up hope of finding something that flows together, and am just looking for something that means a lot to us.
Your help is appreciated!
Esperanza means hope in Spanish.
Do a google search for Behind the Name.
You can type in the meaning and get a list of names that match the meanings. It is a very thorough and accurate name website. It includes names from many different cultures as well as the history and origins of the name.
These all mean faith or have faith in the meaning:
Ali - Arabic
Alli - Arabic
Allie - Arabic
Ameena - African
Amina - Arabic
Amineh - Persian
Desdemona - Greek
Desmona - Greek
Emunah - Hebrew
Enite - Arthurian Legend
Fae - English
Faith - English
Faithe - English
Fay - English
Fayanna - English
Faye - English
Fayette - French
Fayth - English
Faythe - English
Fe - Spanish
Fidela - Latin
Fidelia - Latin
Fidelita - Latin
Fidelity - Latin
Iman - Arabic
Leal - African
Muminah - Egyptian
Penelope - Greek
Penny - Greek
Shaibya - Hindi
Shraddha - Hindi
Sula - Greek
Ursa - Greek
Urseline - Latin
Ursola - Latin
Ursula - Latin
Ursule - French
Ursulina - Spanish
Urszula - Polish
Urszuli - Polish
Urzula - Latin
Vera - Russian
Verochka - Russian
Verushka - Czech
Viera - Czech
Vorsila - Greek
Wafa - African
Wafaa - Arabic
And these mean Hope Or have Hope in the meaning:
Amal - Arabic
Amala - Arabic
Argenta - Latin
Argentia - Latin
Argentina - Latin
Daisey - English
Daisi - English
Daisie - English
Daisy - English
Daizy - English
Daysi - English
Deysi - English
Espe - Latin
Esperance - French
Esperanza - Spanish
Itxaro - Spanish
Madzeija - Polish
Nadeen - French
Nadege - Slavic
Nadenka - Russian
Nadezda - Czech
Nadezhda - Russian
Nadia - Russian
Nadina - German
Nadine - French
Nadusha - Russian
Nadya - Slavic
Nadyenka - Russian
Nadyuiska - Slavic
Nadzia - Polish
Nata - Polish
Natia - Polish
Paciencia - Spanish
Patience - Latin
Patiencia - Latin
Patientia - Latin
Raja - Arabic
Speranza - Italian
Tikva - Hebrew
GOOD LUCK! Finding a name is a hard thing.
All of these have HOPE in the meaning
Name Origin Meaning
Amal Hindu, Arabic bright, clean, pure; hope, wish, dream
Asha Hindu, African hope, life
Desiree Latin, French so long hoped for, crave, desire
Elpida Greek Hope
Esperanza Spanish hope
Liannaka bringer of Peace, hope
Nadezda Czech one with hope
Nadia Slavic Hopeful
Nadine Slavic hope
Nozomi Japanese hope
Raja Hindi Hope
Rizpah Greek hope
Speranza Italian Hope