Christmas night, 1994, I got a dui on the way home from a Christmas party. My life at the time was in shambles. Broken relastionship, ruined credit, low-income job, no family to turn to, I drank all the time to sleep and shut out life.
Jan, 1995 I decided to get my life on track. I entered into a 6-week rehab facility.
Had a new job within 3 months of "graduating" rehab, still have it. Am now married (6 years) and the mother of a 3 year old.
My life is in order, I am happy.
I occassionally have a glass of wine, but not often, no problems with alcohol. (never did other drugs)
Not supposed to lie to social worker, don't want to lie to social worker, but can I admit to having an occassional glass of wine and still be approved?