hi guys,
I have dr brown bottles (the thin ones) and I need replacement nipples. I'm wondering if any other brand of thin bottle nipples will fit, or are we stuck replacing them with dr brown nipples? No one nearby stocks the nipples and it's a hike to find the number 2 size nipples.
Not really sure about other nipples fitting them due to their uniqueness. Do you have a Walmart close by? If so they do carry them. At least ours does. They are so buried among the other more visible and plentiful brands it is easy to overlook them.
Babysrus, Toyrus, Baby Depot (Burlington Coat Factory) are also possibilities. Or try E-bay, sometimes you can get lucky there.
Worst comes to worst, drop me a PM and I'll pick up some for you. I remember how much trouble you've had with your dd w/colic and gasiness.
PS - I'd skip the #2 size nipples and go straight to the Y-cut. That's what we did when size 1's weren't cutting it for us anymore. Cereal and thick juices can be used with these in addition to formula.
hi sarah,
thanks for the offer, but we found we can buy them online at the manuf. website. we're in los angeles and pretty far from a walmart (and we have issues with them anyway)and the closest babiesrus is miles away, basically a 45 minute drive minimum. And the closest babydepot closed for remodeling-yep, we have crappy luck. thank goodnes they sell these things online so we bought some today. We decided to buy the level 2 ones since we intend to keep dd on formula and away from cereals and juice til at least her 6th/7th months. She has a milk allergy and this lovely reflux stuff, not to mention chronic constipation. given her sensitive gut, the doc says we'll probably do better to delay the intro of real foods to avoid allergy and side effects (sigh.)
and thanks for remembering about christiane's gut. I can barely remember my phone number so i'm impressed! She's doing better now that we're giving her zantac liquid twice a day and using the dr brown bottles oh and that expensive nutramigen formula:-). We're keeping a tab just to depress us and so when she acts up at age 16 we can say "for this we spent $$$!":-). She's still colicky, but just around 5-8 pm. It seems to have little to do with whether she's tired, etc, just that it's five o'clock and time to scream. Yesterday she screamed nonstop for an hour. I'm trying to figure out if I'm losing my hearing by having her scream in my ears daily-it's at least as loud as a concert:-). We solved yesterday's screaming fit by stripping her naked and giving her a warm bath. That relaxed her and she passed out afterward. I'm sure the neighbors think we're slowly torturing her:-).
thanks for your help and your kind offer,
Hi there. My daughter also had colick, but it was at 8:00 pm every night. She had acid reflux as well, but luckily Nutramigen didn't do anything for her that any other formula didn't do so I just fed her the normal Enfamil. The good news is they get over it!!! Yippeee
My daughter stopped screaming every night at 8:00 around five months of age and about two to three weeks ago she stopped spitting up half of what she drank. I have even been able to stop putting bibs on her unless she is eating her solids. She is 7 and 1/2 months now by the way.
Enjoy your daughter!
Hey Lisa
Just wanted you to know you weren't alone, your post could be about our daughter to a tee! A warm bath is the only saving grace we have in the afternoons and she konks out till morning after one. Good Luck
nice to know we have lots of company out there. dd just turned 5 months old today, and we've pretty much had a scream free few days. Our fingers are crossed that she's growing out of it, however slowly. We tried the warm bath but she just got worked up having too much fun. she does nap after our morning bath, however. I guess it's just too much fun at nite:-).