I am searching for my brother, born and given up for adoption in Omaha, NE, in 1969. I am wondering what I'm up against...I have no idea how many adoptions occurred in any given month in a city the size of Omaha, NE, in the late sixties. Does anyone have any ideas/guesses? An employee of the Nebraska Department of Vital Statistics told me it could be a lot, but that kind of surprises me. I don't see a lot of multiple searchers for any given month, but maybe that is more a reflection of the number of people actually searching versus the number of adoptions. Thanks in advance for any help.
i just sent you a private message ... every time i search your name stands out ...i know we have sent messages before but don't remember what we said ...but my son was born july 6 , 1969..i think we better exchange info again please.
i just got your message and happy you at least found him...but sorry he didn't contact you back...our search is still going on...with no luck at all ..not even a clue yet ...i want to give up at times , but for my sons sake have to keep going ...
Any other info? My uncle was adopted in 1969 from NE
I am searching for my brother, born and given up for adoption in Omaha, NE, in 1969. I am wondering what I'm up against...I have no idea how many adoptions occurred in any given month in a city the size of Omaha, NE, in the late sixties. Does anyone have any ideas/guesses? An employee of the Nebraska Department of Vital Statistics told me it could be a lot, but that kind of surprises me. I don't see a lot of multiple searchers for any given month, but maybe that is more a reflection of the number of people actually searching versus the number of adoptions. Thanks in advance for any help.