Searching for any birth family of male born in Oak Harbor, WA on 9/11/1957. Oak Harbor is on Whidbey Island. Bfather may have been in Navy. May have been pilot.
We found both the birth mother and the birth father--or his family.
Bmom was raped while her husband--in the Navy--was out to sea. He didn't want anything to do with the child so they relinquished him. Nearly killed the mother to do so.
We used a CI to find her. She had a very little bit of information about the rapist and we posted that on a message board on Rootsweb for the town they lived in. (Didn't use the word rapist.) Four years later we got a response and it's positive. The rapist is dead but he has a big fun family that are embracing us like we grew up with them. What a kick!