Hello everyone!
Been a while since I have posted but wanted to get some feedback. Have any of you who are adopting or have adopted from FC found a baby book or adoption themed baby book that you would recommend? I really am not crafty or into scrapbooking but want to work on a baby/toddler adoption book for Daisy. I am finding mixed reviews for ones I see complaining they are too geared for international or older child adoption, etc
I did start a *normal* baby book for Squeaks because we brought home from the hospital and could fill out most pages. But that won't work for Daisy.
In other news, we have a pretrial date finally!!! Yay!!! It is about 7 weeks away...early April. B-dad will relinquish and they will schedule TPR for bmom that day. According to CW they will need little time for the trial so we are hoping for TPR shortly after pretrial! I am already being contacted to prepare info for when the case switches over to adoptions!!!! I know we still have to get through TPR but I am praying we finalize sometime this summer!!!
Prayers and good thoughts appreciated for our April dates. I will post more when it is closer...
yeye!! congrats :)
I bought " I wished for you" , it's beautiful, and covers every aspect of adoption, even the bio parents ...
I started to read it to my kids, and hope, with time, it will open the doors to healthy questions, and answers.
It does have some parts where it isn't a perfect fit, but the best baby book I could find was "My Family, My Journey".[url=]My Family, My Journey: A Baby Book for Adoptive Families: Zoe Francesca, Susie Ghahremani: 9780811857376: Books[/url]It's a nice one for foster care because it says "first month with us" etc. instead of just first month. It two spots for family trees in the back -- I hate the format of the trees but have to give the author props for at least including two.For what it's worth, I plan on making my own book through Blurb if & when our adoption is finalized. The "My Family, My Journey" baby book is nice for keeping track of things while our FS's case is still ongoing.
I do photo book/scrapbooks for our kids. I do digital scrapbooking, so I work on them the whole time we have them. Then, I just finish it up and print it after the adoption.Someone on here was going to make a foster care specific lifebook on Etsy. I can't remember who that was but that would be worth looking into as well.
I've been wondering the same thing. I think since we got Squeaker so young I'll just use a regular baby memory book. They're all formatted differently, some a little more freely. I think we'll make her an adoption-specific book too on shutterfly or something like that. I've also looked for adoption books in place of baby books and came up with nothing. I think in a regular baby book I'll either leave the pregnancy pages blank or just write the truth there about birth mommy. With family trees I think I'll put ours in there but make notes about what little I know about her birth family too. I know a few and that could help out a lot when she's older and wants to know more about where she came from.
Don't know if that helps at all but that's what's been running through my mind lately. Lol. And good luck at the pre trial! We go March 27th for TPR and should (in theory if things aren't continued again) be able to start the adoption process the next day. :-)
I personally like all of Lucy Darling's baby stuff. This is one of our Favorites. We started this book for our 4 year old. That is what's neat about memory books like these, you can always go back and write down all of the sweet memories.
Last update on July 3, 2:31 pm by Derek Abello.