Let me begin with a background. My wife and I have been fostering for over 2 years, and have had 10 wonderful children come through our house. Currently we have a 9 month old angel with us, and he has the standard sad story, so I will not go into details. Anyway, he has been with us about a month and we now find out a non foster certified family has come forward that want to foster him. They are friends of the mother, and have passed all the tests. All that is left is some formalities and the baby will be going to them. I always understood that Family was better then foster parents, but this whole friends thing confuses me. I don't remember it from our training, but we have been told it is definatly something that happens and is total within all of the rules. I guess I am just frustrated because as always, I have bonded.....
I can totally relate to what you are feeling!! Its hard when you don't think where the child is going is the best thing!!! We as foster parents have no say so and that stinks!! All you can do is love that child til the very last second he is in your home and the minute he 's gone, you pray for him everyday. You have to rest assured in knowing that you were able to give him everything he needed for the time he spent in your home, which is a stable loving home. Hang in there!!!
Missouri also considers "kinship" placements family too. They have preference over foster families just as biological families would.