Just wanted to share some recent news that my friend and attorney that helped us with our adoption sent me. She had a meeting along with other accredited attorneys in Bulgaria yesterday (Jan 25) With her permission I will share: Good Luck to you all!
Jan Peloquin
Proud Mommy to Danny
A: 3/18/04
I am back from the meeting between all accredited organizations and the Vice Minister of Justice today, and here is the information related to all of you (I am skipping some *administrative* issues which do not concern you, but our relationships with the International Adoptions Division - IAD, and the MOJ):
1. In a very short term (may be within days), the following information will be published on the IAD's website :
- Practical criteria for appointing of a specific child to a specific family (it is NOT the law criteria, but how practically the matches are done);
- Guidance for implementation of the existing legislation in the field of international adoptions (they will not be obligatory, but will be preferred and strongly recommended);
- New sample for medical certificates. They will apply only to families whose dossiers are not already filed with the MOJ, and there will be a *gratis* period before they become obligatory. It is to not confuse those families whose dossiers are just filed or about to be filed.
As certain as the sun rises each morning :-), I will translate all of these for you and e-mail you with them, as soon as they show up on the IAD's website.
2. A good news: during the administrative procedure at the MOJ, no matter how long it is, and even if longer than 6 months, new medical, police and FBI clearances will not be necessary to be re-done! Up-to-date documents of these will be necessary only after the dossier is sent to the court.
3. The meetings of the Committee will continue to be twice a month as general.
4. Statistics for the period during which this Vice Minister has been in charge (roughly Oct.-Dec.2004):
- 51 prospective adoptive families have been registered;
- 34 children's dossiers have been processed;
- 2 denials for registration were issued to potential adoptive families;
- 44 children were approved to be adopted by specific families;
- 61 cases have been sent to the court (the divergence between this figure and the one for the children's adoptions approved, comes from the so called *in-between* dossiers - under the old law).
5. There was one Committee meeting during this month and another is scheduled soon.
If anyone want to contact me with more questions I would be glad to forward them to her.
Once Again, Blessings,
Thank you so much for your post Jan. I had received a similar (almost verbatim) from my attorney here in the states that he had received from his counterpart in Bulgaria. It caused me to have a couple of questions that I was going to ask him, but you answered them for me. Also about the FBI and Medical in fact he and I had that discussion this afternoon and I will give him the good new. The long wait continues! But THANK YOU so very much! Dana