January 31, 2005
Lorial Crowder or Sharon Cuartero
Filipino Adoptees Network
The First Website for Adoptees from the Philippines
Makes its Debut on the World Wide Web
On January 31, 2005, The Filipino Adoptees Network launched their official website, an on-line support and informational network for Filipino Adoptees and their families.
Website features include monthly articles covering a broad range of topics including adoption, culture, personal stories, topic-specific discussion threads and a comprehensive resource center.
The number of international adoptions is increasing. According to the Census, 167,420 children were adopted in the United State between 1989 and 2002 from other nations other than the United States. In 2001 alone, there were 19,237 intercountry adoptions in the United States. As the countrys adoption policies change, so do the number of adopted children.
While Filipino adoptees may not be as recognized as other international adoptee groups, it is important to realize our presence and our contribution to the international adoption community. According to the United States Department of State - Bureau of Consular Affairs, a total of 4,222 immigrant visas from 1989 to 2003 were issued to orphans from the Philippines.
The need to emphasize post adoption services is imperative. Adoptees and their families need access to different types of interventions before a crisis arises. The F.A.N website is one example of post adoption services. We anticipate the website to be an invaluable post adoption resource.
For information:
[url][/url] or