Hello all. I am typing and I'm not sure if you will understand due to my lack of sleep. Our fs is 8 months we got him at 4 weeks and he started sleeping thru the nights at about 2 months. He'd sleep at least 10 hours with his bedtime at 8pm. Two weeks ago he was teething and had 4 teeth coming in at once so I thought ok we won't be getting much sleep but he did fine stayed on his rotunie and didn't have any problems. He has been a great sleeper at night not so much at naptime but that's not a big deal. So the last 4 nights he's been waking up and not going back to sleep for 2 plus hours and yet still waking up at his normal time in the morning. He has been taking about a 2 hour nap twice a day. At night when he wakes up (by the way he shares a room with our 12 month old) I try to rub his back and that makes it worse. I've tried patting, humming, lightly bouncing the bed, just standing in the room, giving him a bottle nothing seems to work. He did fall asleep on me last night but as soon as I put him back in his crib he started crying. DH can't put him back to sleep he seems to only want me, while that does make me feel loved I want to be able to sleep again. I haven't had sleep problems with any of the babies we've had so this is a little frustrating that I can't figure it out.
Please any advice would be helpful.
Try cutting our his afternoon nap and see if it helps. Hopefully you're not doing this but, if you are giving him any type of juice to drink don't do it, especially after about 2 in the afternoon (I don't after 11 am).
Our now 2 y/o was placed with us at 4 weeks also. He slept for probably the first 2 or 3 months and hasn't since! Our son was exposed to alcohol in the womb and I'm sure that is playing a part in this. He is also hyper active.
If you don't work outside the home nap when he naps. Is there anyone that could do respite for a weekend for you so you can sleep?
One other thought, is your son in pain that is waking him up? Our son has severe milk and milk protein allergies as well as many other food allergies. Many of the nights he's up screaming in pain and it's obvious that it's not just him not needing sleep.
Best of luck. I can definitely sympathize with you. I also have a 1 and a 3 y/o so I do understand the importance of Mommy getting some rest. Hang in there and it will get better.
I wish i could help you so bad but the samething is going on in my home, we moved our Fd who's now 10 months into her own room back in Oct. and it has been a task since then she wakes about 2am or 4am and not even to take a bottle and she screams at the top of her lungs as if someone is doing something to her. But see what i realize that she hates the crib anyway but it has got so bad it wake my neighbor's daughter who has to get up at 6am. I notice that this happens when she wakes and she see that she's alone. I started using the Ferber Method but it only works most of the time. I called the Dr. to see what he had to say he told me to bring her in for a eval. which is Tues. will keep you updated if you like.
Good Luck
Michelle thank you for your response. At first I did think it might be a pain thing but we haven't changed his formula and he's doing fine on the baby food. I would love to try and cut out his last nap but over the weekend he ended up taking 3 naps all for 1 1/2 hours. And sometimes even after a good sleep he can't stay up for more than 2 hours. I don't understand what is going on. I stay at home so the routine is the same just about everyday and my 1 year old is on the same routine and does fine. I think K is just going thru a thing. Last night he ate 6 1/2 oz. at 8:15 then woke up at 3 and ate 6 more then 6:30 and ate 6 more had oatmeal and fruit for breakfast at 9 and then at 10 ate another 8 oz. I think that might be a little much but I don't know if I should cut back or just let him go. He is at the top of the charts for height but in the middle for weight. He's not a chubby baby at all just tall.
Ms heart thank you also. I don't know if I could handle the screaming I freak if they cough and I run to their room to make sure they are still breathing! Let us know what the doctor says and good luck to you.
I am trying to nap when they nap I just find that to be hard because that is my time to clean and read and come on the forums without the two being all over me but I think I'm just going to start to go to bed when they do and when DH is not home. He could never be in bed at 8. We are going to take a break in April for 6 days. DH parents are going to watch the boys. I know it is going to be hard to be away but if we don't do it now we never will. Sorry so long
Thanks for reading
We have a ten month old, and he has gone through cycles of sleeping through the night. It might just be a growth spurt (since you say he's eating when he wakes up). It might also be more painful teeth on the way. They don't always hurt the same, and the first ones may have not bothered him too much. He is also developing more complex emotions, and since he seems to want only you to comfort him, perhaps he's having bad dreams. Regardless, "this too shall pass!" I know you're looking for a silver bullet, but it sounds like you are doing all the right things. (I am a proponent of comforting, because for us it does seem like there are reasons our son wakes ... even if those reasons are entirely evident to us ;) ) For the past week he has been sleeping through the night, so we're crossing our fingers ... but won't despair if he stops.
Thank you for telling me that this too shall pass. I had a party with both boys last night at 12am and then with just the 1 year old from 3am to about 5am. Then the 8 month old decided he wanted to eat at 6am. I then finally got some sleep before the cat figured out that everyone else ate but him. Both boys broke out with a rash.....actually I think the 1 year old has another yeast infection. I felt so bad for him last night I couldn't even wipe him to get his butt clean without him crying. And why is it that when the have something going on diaper rash, yeast whatever that their bodies feel the need to make it worse??? Dh is doing yard work all day and the oldest is still not up so I don't think I'll be getting a nap today. I may get to go to the movies later tonight, I'll fall asleep during it so that will be my nap:)
The pediatrician told me to give my 8 mo fd some oatmeal just before bed. She started taking 1/3 cup and slept through from 7:00 pm - 6:00 am.
She has moved on and now I have a 3 month old fs and a 1 week old fs. Talk about sleep deprived (I'm single so it's just 'me 'n the boys').
OMG...Sleep?! I've been getting up through the night for 3 1/2 years now. Our 2yo started sleeping through the night at 13 months....1 month before baby brother was born (who still gets up by the way).
I would say if he has been sleeping and stopped it is either due to (1) seperation anxiety...he wakes up and is afraid you've gone for good, (2) learning a new skill.....babies often night wake when learning to sit, pull up or walk, or (3) pain....I've had some kiddos do this with ear infections and have no other symptoms.
Good luck and hope you are catching zzzz's again soon!!