[font=Comic Sans MS]I'm fairly new to these forums. It's been a blessing to know that other people are going through the "unknown" at times as well. My husband and I are in our third week of training to become foster parents. We are planning to go the Fost/Adopt route. Our desire is for an infant. We definitely would take sibling groups. But God already knows our children, who they are and what their precious faces look like, so all our trust is in HIM!!!! [/font][font=Comic Sans MS]I have longed for a child for many years. I'm almost 26(I know that's old-yet), but I have PCOS and we've been trying ourselves for five years. We haven't gone through the fertility treatments yet, though. Some day we will try the Clomid route. But God is leading us in this direction now. We have always known we would adopt, and this is the new order of things.[/font][font=Comic Sans MS]So... my question is, does anyone know anything about being able to breatfeed a fost adopt infant. I assume that if the parental rights haven't been terminated, it would probably be a no no to try. But if they have been terminated, and we are in the process of adopting? OR... I am an advocate for breastfeeding for many reasons, and one being the milk. I feel strongly that it's the best thing to give an infant. So, if I pumped and bottle fed the breast milk? I haven't even tried to start pumping, but I thought I'd check out how people thought about it. [/font][font=Comic Sans MS]We are going to request any child between the ages of newborn and age five, with any illness or issue that we are approved for. And yes, I am aware of all the problems that are out there. My husband works for a private Foster Care Program. He is a specialist that works with the families. We have also both worked in a group home with troubled teens ages 12 to 18. We also have our neice and nephew for three days a week during the day and every other weekend. It seems like God is constantly leading us to work with children. My God is an Awesome God!!![/font]
I'm not sure where you're located, but in TN it's not allowed. They can have breastmilk, but it has to be from a bottle. You can get the pediatrician to write you a prescription for a milk bank and maybe the baby's Medicaid will pay for it.
Good luck, it's a wild and crazy journey but oh so worth it!
God bless!
When we get these kids there is little known about their medical history.
Before breastfeeding your foster/adopt child....I would first have the child tested for HIV and Hepatitis and find out if any other disease is trasmittable through breastmilk. You may get a child that you think is healthy than find out they are carrying a disease that they can pass along to you.
As far as feeding the child breastmilk from a bottle you would have to get that approved through the social worker as well. If you will be donating the breastmilk they may want the doctors to run some tests on you first to make sure you are healthy and free of disease...before allowing the child to receive your breastmilk. The breastmilk from a bank is already as long as you can get the ok from the SW and a prescription from the doctor you should be ok. It can be very expensive to buy donated breastmilk. Sometimes the insurance will cover it but usually only in situations where the infant is sick..or premature. The child will already qualify for WIC. So you will be getting free formula through the state until the adoption is finalized.
I agree that breastmilk is best...and I wish we were able to provide it to our state kids as well. They diserve it just as much as any other child.