i was just it normal not to ever hear from your fc's gal or casa?
we have had our fs for almost 3 months...and i dont even know who is appointed to him. am i supposed to know this???
i asked the caseworker about it, but he kinda blew it off. (he is new and isnt sure of a lot either).
this is our first foster child.. so we are still learning the ropes.
but i thought it would be in our fs' best interest, if we all knew each other and stayed in touch.
our foster parent manual states that there are team meetings every 3 months, and we all gather to make sure we are all on the same page, and the plan is being followed. the caseworker knows nothing about this. also, he told me that foster parents do not attend the court hearings. he said the judge doesnt allow it. i find that hard to believe, as we are just as important to this process as anyone else. AND our foster parent manual states that we are to know, by law, when these court hearings are, and it is up to us whether we want to attend.
i am just wondering if anyone here knows the law here in PA, and if you can enlighten me.. or maybe just direct me to a website that has this info.
i have searched, but am not being too successful.
thank you,
We are in Ohio - The GAL that was assigned to Zackery, whom we adopted Nov '04, was only seem ONCE by me from the time Zack was born (3/6/03) until TPR (9/04) because I went to the TPR hearing. He never called or anything. The GAL that was assigned to our other 2 foster kids has been on their case since 12/02 and I've talked to her 3 or 4 times while at court. She is very supportive & very understanding & knowledgeable. She did contact me one time before a hearing because she knew we were going to be on vacation & not at the hearing. She asked me to fax some paperwork to her so she would have it at the hearing. I think overall unfortunately these people have such a heavy caseload that they just can't do what they really need or want to do correctly. Previous GAL's that we have had were always very open to my calling them if there was a problem. Maybe give them a call. Good Luck.
I adopted my daughter from foster care in are correct that you are entilted to be at court hearings. I was always invited. I didnt get to stay for the entire meeting. I just spoke and then was asked to leave. By law, you are supposed to be invited. What county do you live in? It sounds like your social worker is clueless.
thank you both for your replies!
i am glad to hear that you do (if only occasionally) hear from your gal and they are supportive.
and by the way, my caseworker is clueless! :rolleyes:
i feel like an idiot when i keep asking the same question over and over, but i really dont think he is giving me the right answer. i would love to give them (whoever is assigned to M.) a call and see how things are going. the info i get is very little and not too accurate im afraid. but the caseworker doesnt give me the phone #.. and im not sure if i should keep pushing. i really need to find a support group locally and join to get more info, i guess.
thank you both for your replies.. i really appreciate it.
oh, and mommyoftwo, i am in northampton county. where are you??
Im from Montgomery County..I had some social worker problems as well. Luckily, my county worker was wonderful. I signed up through a private agency. I knew about my daughter's TPR appeal before my own caseworker!!! I found that to be pretty sad. Every 6 months they are supposed to develop a plan...has that happened yet? I would tell your worker that you feel that you need to be more of a part of what is going is dont want to make him mad, but at the same time you want answers. Is your fson getting visits with the bio family?
yeah, this is tough. it is hard to know where the line is ....i dont know how much info i am entitled to, and how hard to push for it. i dont even know who the county worker is assigned to him!! ??? how crazy is that? its almost like they like to keep you in the dark. either that, or our cw is in the dark himself. lol
i have told him that i want to be involved, and that i want to be at the meetings, and court hearings, and he looks at me like im nuts, and like there are no such things such as team meetings and there is no way i can go to a court hearing.
there is a plan in place, reunite with bd. but there was a hearing a little while ago, and nothing was changed, and i asked why visits (yes he does visit once a week with bd, and every other week with **. one hour each visit) werent increased, and he coudlnt tell me. i am left wondering why the bd isnt getting anymore visit time, when they told me that he has done everything required in the past 6 months. the caseworker said bd could fight for more visitation, but isnt. so, i have to wonder.. does bd know he needs to fight for it? or do they leave him in the dark too?? i just feel like i need to sit down with someone who has all the answers i am looking for. i want to do the best for this little guy, and knowing what is in his future would help. i worry so much about it....he doesnt even seem like he knows who the bios are when we go to visits. this is why i thought talking to the gal or casa would clear things up.. but i cant even find out who this person is!! thanks for listening.. i know i just went on and on.. lol.
CASA workers are required to see the child in their home once a month, but GAL's generally only see them at court or have a representative at the meetings. You will have one or the other on your case, but not both. Have you tried calling the juvenile court to ask who you talk to about finding out which GAL is assigned to your case?
It's crazy your cw isn't giving you more info. I had a similar experience, but by that time I was a more experienced fp with some contacts to call and had worked with the suoervisor on the case so was able to get help wouldn't hurt to give your cw's supervisor a call, too.
Hi> You Should Be Able To Find A Book Called Foster Parents Rights> You May Find A Copy Of It On The National Foster Parents Pa Web Site> Or Someone There Can Guide You To The Resource> We Have Been Able To Attend Court Hearings For Our Children< In Fact Our Agency Encourages That Because It Shows Your Support For The Children And Desire To Adopt Them> Keep Asking Questions And If You Don"t Get Anywhere Go To The Above>