[FONT=Arial][FONT=Lucida Console]Hello...I am new here....I am a single foster mom. I have 2 boys who have been with me a week. Its been a long tiring week but we made it thru. My boys are a year old and 3 yrs old. Brothers!! My SW suggested this site as a way of a support. I am so thankful for her suggestion. It has been an "easy" transition considering I was doing this by myself. I was at one time in my life a foster child. The hardest part of my week was finding was unbelievable how hard it was. Little did I know my answer was always right in front of my face :rolleyes: My mom's best friend does childcare and just happened to have an openings!!! how lucky could I get. I know her and my mom will be excellent foster grandmas!!! :) well anyway....good night...
Well, we did survive another week. And I am once more looking for daycare. The provider I had found, says she can't handle my 1yr old. He's a very needy baby and it is to hard for her to care for him and the 2 other children she cares for. There is a lady who took the foster parent classes with me and she has a daycare and is a godsend. She called me this morning and will take my baby until I can find a full time permanent daycare. I talked with the cw today and found out this is an indefinite I am planning on long term care of my family has really taken to them...and they are thriving :)
Welcome Lucinda :)
I too am a single foster mother. While I am now fortunate enough to be able to work from home I did have to use daycare for the first two years. I was lucky enough to have my sister suggest a good friend of hers (a grandma-type lady) who was more than willing to watch only the children who were in my home.
I have had 20 fc in the last 2-1/2 years, with 15 of them being under one year of age. My biggest suggestion is one you have probably already figured out - get plenty of rest. Also, remember to use MT respite care program to give yourself some "be kind to Lucinda" time. I find this the best advice I was ever given. Just a couple of hours or an overnight respite does wonders. Make sure that you get at least a couple of hours no less than once per month.
If you feel like chatting, please feel free to pm me.