Hey everyone,
I have 3 kids in diapers which means a LOT of handwashing. Does anyone have ANY suggestions for my dry, chapped hands? I feel like I have tried everything and nothing helps except short term. The tops of my hands actually feel like sandpaper and I have a couple of sores on them from the skin cracking. :eek:
I think this is made even worse because I am also going through menopause :eek: but I'm not sure.
Thank you, in advance, for any help you can give me.
I work in a field that requires constant handwashing...I have found putting Burt's Bees Hand Salve on my hands works really doesn't immediatlely wash off! It seems to work best also if I use it at night...I put it on my hands, then put cotton socks on my hands, I know it may seem strange, but it really works well!
Good luck! I am sure with spring coming that should help a little too!
I also had 3 kids in diapers and remember how painful this can be. If you aren't allergic to wool, a tube of lanolin might help. It takes a minute to soften up and work into the skin but lasts through hand washing. I kept a tube by every sink in the house, and in my purse (LOL) so it became a part of the washing ritual for me. I've used Burt's Bees as well, but recently was given a small bottle of One Minute Manicure by my sister-in-law. (I think you can order it on-line) and do the cotton glove bit after using this now. I don't have to use it as often and it smells nice too. Hope this helps:)
You might try bag balm. It sounds gross but it's a salve used by farmers & ranchers on the cows udders & teats to prevent chapping. My uncles use it on their hands too as their hands get so dry with all the farmwork they do in the cold weather etc. and swear by it. There's no smell to it either.
I use the Burt's Bees almond hand creme through out the day and other hand salve of theirs at night before bed.
When my 2 sons were in diapers, I used the A&D diaper rash salve on them and also on my hands.
When you wash your hands, are you using a moisturizing soap?
Hope you find something that helps!
My hubby has dry cracked hands too. Only his is probably from the soap at work. I went to Bath & Body Works in the mall and got him some hand soap with shea butter in it (I don't remember the name, but it was the only one). It is non perfume, and heals dry hands, and it is the soap so it's like washing your hands in lotion. (Like $6 good sized bottle) They had another kind (a cream in a tub) that was supposed to be the best stuff ever, but hubby wouldn't take a cream cause he couldn't carry it with him easily, and I don't remember it's name. It was the only cream soap with no perfumes they had in the store. (Like $12 big jar)
Lady at the store also said stay away from scented soaps, it causes dryness, and antibacterial soaps also cause dryness.
I have started using the antibacterial cucumber melon soap from there (3/$10) and love it, but my hands havn't been cracking, just dry.
And by the way, normally we have been using softsoap antibacterial.... cheap is good, but dry cracking hands hurt!
I have extremely dry hands, so I finally had to make it a habit to wear vinyl (not latex) gloves alot of the time!!! I know it sounds like a pain to have to remember to put them on but keep them right by where you do most of the diaper changing. My hands would cause me alot of pain . It can be very painful!! It worth a try believe me!!!
Hi Michelle....what I use is a shampoo/conditioner to wash my hands after changeing Teagan. I just put it in a pump bottle in the bathroom, and it stopped my dry hard cracked skin from cracking. Before that I used thin latex gloves. They come in a box with no left or right hand and you pull them out like you would pull out a kleenex. Very cheap and disposable, but not as easy as just using the shampoo/conditioner to wash with. Hope you have some luck with one of these suggestions.Warm Wishes....Teagans MamaP.S. I just use the cheap brands too and they still work great for me.
Hi Everyone,
I had forgotten that I asked this question. At a recent doctor appointment he suggested a hand sanitizer with aloe vera. I bought it and turns out I'm allergic to something in it. My hands break out with these itchy/painful blisters and then peel :eek:
I had to laugh at the bag balm idea. When I was younger I had a spiral perm and had to use tail and mane to keep it from frizzing lol. Any of your ideas are worth a try for me so I'll be trying them individually. I can't do socks/gloves on my hands (or feet) at night, it just bothers me too much to have them covered.
Thanks again for all the ideas.
I have very dry hands in the fall and winter and regular lotion does not help very much. I recently came across "Miracle Hand Repair" and it is the best lotion I have ever used! I usually put it on in the morning and evening. It lasts well through hand washing. I found this lotion at Bed Bath and Beyond and it is $10. They also have a foot lotion. I love this lotion! I think the price is kind of high, but it is worth every penny! FabFamilyof4Laura
Thanks Laura. I'll have to try that one too. I'm actually planning on trying every one mentioned here to see which helps the most. Hopefully I'll only have another year with this problem then I'll have 2 out of diapers. Charlie will always be in diapers but I think I can handle one over 3 lol.
Thanks again everyone!
Hi ladies... With every new post I read I am taking notes.. LOL My hubbie uses Aveeno in the winter time, because his hands are in and out of water at work a lot testing cores that they make. It really works on keeping his hands from cracking apart. It is a little expensive though. I wrote down some of the other items suggested.. we might have to give them a try! Tammy =)Waiting on first placement.. sigh...