Hello all,
My name is Kathleen and I am writing a book about how bmom's feel after adoption. Do you want to see the child? How old were you when you gave birth? Those kinds of things I am intrested in.... really anything you would like to share would be nice. I will not use any real names and will let all of you know when I am finnished.
My story will also be published in the book.... I am 35 now and gave my son up for adoption at the request of my parents at the tender age of 15. I am not looking for him and do not want any contact with him. I know I am not alone so please share as maybe we can spread some light on our story as mom's. email me with your story at
You puzzle me... Simple question. If you desire no reunion (it sounds as tho' you have your mind definately set) then why are you interested in writing a book about birthmothers?
Please explain further.