We have two foster kids, our boy has been in our care since he was born.(almost 15 months) The TPR paperwork was filed, how long will it take? We live in NY
Hi Ripley,
I can't speak about things in NY but in KY after the parent's rights are terminated they then have 30 days to SAY that they will appeal. If they do that they then have 60 days to submit the appeal in writing. It will be reviewed by the appeals court and if they deny it, it's done and over. If they accept it I have heard it can take up to 18 months from that point to resolve the case.
To give you a couple of time frame examples, we have had our fc's for 2 years 5 months. We will not be able to finalize their adoption until at least July. Another example, our kids tpr hearing was rescheduled 3 times for various reasons regarding their parents. The first date it was scheduled for was in November 2003 and it didn't happen until February, 2004. We received the TPR order on 3/04 and their mom said she'd appeal on day 29. She never followed through after that and it wasn't until October 04 that the appeals court kicked the case out.
Best of luck. I hope things move faster for you.